Nanomechanical Testing


Quantitative rigid-probe nanoindentation with AFM resolution

Ultra-high resolution, rigid-probe nanoindentation

Bruker’s xProbe is a MEMS-Based transducer that extends the characterization capabilities of Hysitron instrumentation down to the Angstrom level. Designed using Bruker’s expertise in electrostatic actuation and capacitive sensing, combined with the latest MEMS fabrication technologies, the xProbe achieves load and displacement noise and sensitivity levels characteristic of AFMs. The xProbe’s high axial stiffness increase its mechanical bandwidth, dramatically improving feedback response time and enabling high strain rate testing. Bruker’s xProbe sets the new standard in quantitative, rigid probe nanoindentation and nanotribological testing.

xProbe for high-precision nanomechanical testing.

Quantitative results to the bottom of the nanoscale

Bruker’s xProbe delivers <2nN force and <20pm displacement noise floors, typically associated with cantilever-based measurement systems. The xProbe utilizes a rigid indentation probe operating under true force or displacement feedback control to deliver reliable characterization to the bottom of the nanoscale. Additionally, the rigid probe design enables accurate force sensing during probe approach/retraction without snapping in and out of contact.