High-Value Solutions for Geoscience.
Join Bruker this year at GSA Connects 2023 and discover our solutions to explore the Earth.
Learn how Bruker's solutions for elemental analysis can support your work in the geosciences.
We provide a wide range of different solutions for the elemental and structural analysis of geological samples. Our portfolio includes handheld XRF (X-ray fluoresence) which brings elemental analysis to the field. Bruker also provides a variety of benchtop, standalone systems for TXRF (total reflection X-ray fluoresence), for the analysis of trace elements, and micro-XRF analysis.
For geoscientists who are working with electron microscopes our EDS, EBSD, WDS and micro-XRF on SEM analyzer range delivers more capabilities, allowing users to map structural and elemental differences in their samples on the nanoscale. Of particular interest to geoscientists is our AMICS software for automated mineral and rock analysis via SEM or using our M4 TORNADO for micro-XRF.
We look forward to welcoming you at the GSA Connects 2023 and discussing our geoscience solutions in more detail.
To book a private meeting with Bruker or organize to run samples please fill out the form below. One of our representatives will then reach out to you.
We will be available to meet at the conference and also, for those who cannot make it, we can also arrange meetings online after the conference.