element map cultural heritage
element map cultural heritage
Bruker Nano Analytics presents: Art and Conservation Webinars Series Part VI

Cultural Heritage Under the Microscope: Getting to the Fine Detail with Advanced Elemental Analysis by Scanning Electron Microscope

On-Demand Session - 63 Minutes

High Spatial Resolution Analysis with EDS & micro-XRF

High spatial resolution analysis by scanning electron microscopy is a fundamental part of the analytical workflow and essential to any complete investigation of art works and cultural heritage objects. Where investigation begins at the macro scale, non-invasive techniques such micro-XRF mapping allow SEM analysis to be conducted on the smallest samples taken with surgical precision to maximize outcomes. In addition, advances in detector technologies have made elemental characterization by SEM more rapid at higher sensitivity minimizing additional damage to valuable materials, while providing flexible configurations that are more accessible than ever.

This webinar will present examples of micro-analysis of cultural heritage samples using the SEM that illustrate the capabilities of the Bruker XFlash® detector range, including the XFlash® FlatQUAD annular SDD EDS detector, the QUANTAX Compact EDS detector for compact SEM platforms, and the XTrace in-SEM micro-XRF (QUANTAX Micro-XRF).

Element map of a paint cross-section from DaVinci's Last Supper measured with the XFlash® FlatQUAD
Element map of a furnace ceramic sample illustrating remnants of organic matter (C): image collected with QUANTAX 80 detector on a compact SEM (C in red)
Element map of a furnace ceramic sample illustrating remnants of organic matter (C): image collected with the XFlash® FlatQUAD annular detector (C in green)


Max Patzschke

Application Scientist EDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Nigel Kelly

Senior Market Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics

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