As you are certainly aware, special compliance regulations apply to public officials* and healthcare professionals** with regards to the event we are planning. If you accept our invitation, we will therefore assume that you will observe the compliance regulations that apply to you and that you have the necessary employer approval.
*Government Official means according the Bruker policies any of the following: any officer, employee or representative of a government (national, regional or local) entity, or any public agency, public authority, department or instrumentality thereof, regardless of their rank or title (e.g. a regulatory official or government inspector); any person working for or advising a government-owned or government-controlled enterprise (e.g. a professor at a government-owned university, or a purchaser at a government-owned hospital); any person working for or advising a national or international non-governmental organization (e.g. an employee of the Red Cross or The World Bank); any person performing a public function or providing a public service, even if that person works for a non-governmental institution (e.g. private security personnel working in public functions); any person hired to review or accept bids for a government agency; any person with the responsibility to allocate or expend government funds; any person in a public law function, civil servant, judge or military personnel; any person acting for a political party, including party officials, candidates or individuals holding a position in a political party office; members of royal families; or immediate family members of any of the persons listed above. An immediate family member is a grandparent, parent, spouse, significant other, child, or sibling.
**A Healthcare Professional (HCP) is in accordance with the Bruker policies any physician, dentist, nurse, pharmacist or other individual who may prescribe, administer, purchase, dispense, recommend, or supply medical products or treatments or pharmaceutical products. In many cases, Bruker interacts with HCPs who work for state-owned hospitals (e.g. as medical scientists). These individuals will be classified as both HCPs and Government Officials.