
AvanceCore Cost per Sample Calculator

Please use the fields below to configure your use case to gain insight into the economics of NMR ownership. From this site, you can configure two calculators. The first part of the questions is required for both calculators.

 “Cost per Measurement Calculator”: Please complete the second part of the questions.
 “Amortization Calculator”: Please complete the third part of the questions.

Input value is invalid.

These questions are required for both calculators:

The spectrometer will be used in open-access mode by a group of users.
I plan to perform NMR experiments with heteronuclei.

How many one-dimensional 1H experiments do you plan to acquire during a typical working day of 8-10h (Monday to Friday)?
(Please write a number between 1 and 96) *

(Please write a number between 1 and 96)

Please answer these questions if you are interested in the "Cost per Measurement Calculator"

How many  experiments do you plan to acquire per night (Monday to Friday)?
(Please write a number between 0 and 96)

(Please write a number between 1 and 96)

How many  experiments do you plan to acquire during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday)?
(Please write a number between 0 and 192)

(Please write a number between 1 and 96)

Please answer these questions if you are interested in the "Amortization Calculator"

I would like to write my own pulse programs. Standard pulse programs are not sufficient for my application.

How many different samples do you measure per day (24h, including the night)?
(This figure refers to the number of different sample tubes that are measured during one day (including the night)). (Please write a number between 1 and 144)

(Please write a number between 0 and 144)

How many two-dimensional (e.g. COSY, TOCSY, HSQC…) or one-dimensional experiments such as 13C do you plan to acquire per day? (Please write a number between 0 and 32)

Please fill in your information so that we may send you your personalized results.

Thanks for completing the form! Please use the field below if you have any further comments or questions
(for example: how much you currently spend on NMR services).