AMICS — The latest software package for automated identification and quantification of minerals and synthetic phases
AMICS — The latest software package for automated identification and quantification of minerals and synthetic phases
Bruker Nano Analytics presents:

AMICS — The Latest Software Package for Automated Identification and Quantification of Minerals and Synthetic Phases

On-Demand Session - 58 Minutes

Automated Mineralogy System for SEM

The Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterization System (AMICS) is the latest software package for automated identification and quantification of minerals and synthetic phases.

The key of this package lies in its innovative imaging and analysis software capabilities. It enables Bruker’s QUANTAX energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS) combined with selected scanning electron microscopes (SEM) to become an automated mineral analyzer and reporting system.

In addition, combining AMICS with Bruker's novel and performance-leading Micro-XRF system, the M4 TORNADO, results in the world's first automated mineral analyzer based on X-ray fluorescence technology.

Who should attend?

  • Specialists working in process mineralogy and looking for fast, automated and high volume mineral phase identification
  • Researchers in Geoscience Fields
AMICS Software: Particle Images with BSE
Mineral liberation

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