X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Webinar

Optimize Your Refinery Processes with Elemental Analysis

Analytical solutions for norm-compliant analysis.

Process optimization is the key to success for modern refineries. But such optimization requires accurate analytical data to support best decisions. The Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) S2 POLAR is the ideal multi-element analyzer for various refinery applications. These include sulfur analysis in refinery feedstock, intermediate process streams, and even final Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis in automotive fuels. Besides sulfur, the S2 POLAR can accurately measure elements such as Ni, V, Fe or Cl, in petrochemical products and is therefore the right analytical tool to optimize your refinery processes.

The S2 POLAR is compliant with many international standards:

  • ASTM D7220, ISO 13032 (ULS in automotive fuels)
  • ASTM D4294, ISO 20847, 8754 (S in petroleum products)
  • IP 336, 496, 532, JIS K2541-4 (Further S standards)
  • ASTM D4929 (Cl in crude oil)

In this 40-minute webinar, we demonstrate the excellent analytical performance of the S2 POLAR. Results for several key applications are presented. Differences to the WDXRF norm ASTM D2622 are shown and discussed.


Frank Portala

Product Manager XRF, Bruker AXS

Dr. Gülüm Albut

Application Scientist XRF, Bruker AXS