EPR Accessories

EPR Imaging

High Power X-Band Imaging Gradients

Adding the Spatial Dimension to EPR

X-band EPR Imaging is a powerful technique combining sub-mm spatial resolution and the specificity of EPR.  To help exploit these features, Bruker Biospin has developed the high power X-band gradients as an accessory to the ELEXSYS E-500.

EPR imaging is utilized in several research areas where the high sensitivity available at X-band is exploited to obtain high spatial resolution EPR Images.  In materials research endogenous free-radicals are monitored during material treatment.  In the biomedical field, EPR images are used in dermatology, cardiology, and cellular biology.  Critical in each of these fields is achieving the highest spatial resolution possible.


  • 2D Gradients in z and y directions
  • 200 G / cm gradient strength
  • Water cooled
  • Mounts on 10'' magnet
  • 25 mm air gap
  • Compatible with N2 and He variable temperature systems

Dedicated X-band Resonator

The decreased air gap available with the X-band high power gradient coils necessitates a slim design resonator: the ER 4108 TMHS. This specially designed resonator fits the narrow air gap available while maintaining a high sensitivity. 


  • 9.8 GHz empty resonance
  • 15 G maximum modulation amplitude
  • 23 mm width in B0 direction
  • Compatible with N2 and He variable temperature systems
  • Optical window for sample irradiation

High Resolution Diamond Imaging

EPR imaging of natural and synthetic diamonds is used to locate the paramagnetic centers within the crystals.  The set of EPR images below show two orientations of the same yellow diamond where in the right images the diamond has been rotated by 90°.  Using the high power X-band gradients allows improved localization of the paramagnetic centers as compared to low power gradients.


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory