Video Interview

Specialty Solids Probes for Battery Research and Manufacturing

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From University Research to Industrial Technology:  Specialty Solids Probes for Battery Research and Manufacturing

Interview with Oliver Pecher, Ph.D. CEO of ePROBE

Dr. Oliver Pecher is a chemist by training who moved early on in his academic career into the field of Solid-State Chemistry and then into Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

After completing his Ph.D. in Germany, he moved to Cambridge for a postdoc with Prof. Clare Grey at the University of Cambridge, where he specialized in applying the technique of Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy to various types of energy storage materials.

He is mainly interested in applying the technique of Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy with electrochemistry to study different types of materials and developing methods to make the technique more applicable. To focus entirely on the application of different types of magnetic resonance techniques to research batteries, he founded ePROBE company.

What are the biggest challenges facing us right now when it comes to batteries and energy storage materials? How should we approach the development of industrial prototypes? We need to find new technologies for battery materials, such as lithium, sodium, and other sources, to balance the demand for energy that the world requires. We need better batteries not only to produce energy but also to save this energy for the time when we need it.

Why should researchers and manufacturers look at Solution State NMR compared with Solid State NMR to face such challenges? How can NMR help to ease some of the pressure on the material supply chains in the recycling phase? How can we make NMR accessible to a wider user group in industry where methods must be as easy and as automated as possible?

Listen to Oliver Pecher Ph.D CEO of ePROBE in his highly informative interview and learn about In-situ NMR showing great potential to become a standard approach for routine monitoring of electrochemical processes under operating conditions.