
Fluorescence Microscopy Library

Multiphoton Microscopy E-Book

Download the 2nd edition to learn about the technology, novel features, and innovative case studies 

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Multiphoton microscopy is an imaging technique that reveals dynamic biological processes deep within living tissues with minimal photobleaching effects for advanced neuroscience applications.

Performing intravital imaging of healthy and diseased tissues or in vivo imaging with single-cell resolution and a large field of view requires specialized and tested technology. Bruker’s two-photon (2P) microscopy solutions include several core components and optional modules that let researchers explore novel applications, including all-optical interrogation and calcium imaging in live animals.

This e-book provides an overview of multiphoton techniques in the context of life science research, how it overcomes many of the difficulties of fluorescence microscopy, case studies, and recent technological advancements.

Readers can expect to learn more about:

  • The core components and modules of multiphoton microscopes
  • Difficulties associated with this microscopy technique and how to overcome them
  • Diverse case studies with organoids, astrocytes, brain slices, and optogenetic stimulation in different biological systems
  • Emerging methods and applications  
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