FT-Raman Microscope for minimized Fluorescence

RamanScope III

The suppression of fluorescence can be the decisive advantage in Raman microscopy. The RamanScope III is designed to do just that, providing excellent Raman data even on difficult samples.

Eliminate Fluorescence.

Start getting results.

A major success story

FT-Raman Microscopy and Bruker

The RamanScope can be combined with the confocal Raman microscope SENTERRA II.

The benefits of FT-Raman microscopy are well known:

  • Minimized fluorescence
  • Excellent wavelength precision
  • Easily variable resolution
  • Large spectral range

However, to achieve the sensitivity of dispersive microscope, one must overcome major obstacles. But Bruker never backed away from a challenge.

We took it head on - and succeeded. Thus, the RamanScope III is an exclusive Bruker FT-Raman microscopy solution for applications requiring minimized fluorescence, full spectral range and high spatial resolution.

RamanScope III at a glance

Using FT-Raman as key advantage

RamanScope III technical features:

  • 1064 nm NIR excitation laser
  • N2-cooled Germanium detector
  • Up to 4 lasers (e.g. 532 nm) available (hybrid system)
  • High-resolution video camera
  • Fully automated hardware

Raman Scope III provides

  • Fluorescence suppression
  • Ultra-low signal detection
  • Raman imaging and mapping
  • Convenient ease-of-use

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