Atomic Force Microscope

NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2

High-Speed AFM combined with advanced optical microscopy

NanoWizard® ULTRA Speed 2

The JPK NanoWizard® ULTRA Speed 2 delivers exceptional performance and unmatched user-friendliness. It reaches speed levels previously unattainable with traditional AFMs and combines true atomic resolution and fastest scanning with rates of 10 frames/sec. Real-time, in-situ experiments can be performed in combination with advanced optics. A broad range of modes and accessories makes the system highly flexible and upgradable.

High-speed imaging at 10 frames/sec
Time-dependent, force-induced nanomanipulation of biological samples. Examine cellular function and structural dynamics at the single-molecule level.
High Resolution
Live-cell imaging
Visualization of membrane proteins, single cells, subcellular structures, DNA, and single molecules.
Study cellular dynamics in their native state
Real-time visualization of dynamic processes, signalling events, cell-cell and cell-surface interactions. Characterization of dynamic mechanical properties.

A new benchmark: True atomic resolution and high-speed imaging with 10 frames/sec

The NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 provides a range of new features:

  • NestedScanner Technology for high-speed imaging of surface structures up to 8µm with outstanding resolution and stability
  • PeakForce Tapping® for easy imaging
  • New tiling functionality for automated mapping of large sample areas
  • V7 Software with revolutionary new workflow-based user interface
  • DirectOverlay™ 2 software for perfect integration and data correlation with advanced fluorescence microscopy platforms
  • Vortis™ 2 controller for high-speed signal processing and lowest noise levels


The images show Plasmid-DNA with major and minor grooves imaged in liquid (top) and true atomic resolution of a calcite crystal plane in liquid recorded at 100 lines/sec (bottom).

High-speed imaging of surface structures up to 8µm with outstanding resolution and stability

The system comes with the lowest noise and highest stability available on the market to provide true atomic resolution. Direct force control at ultra-low forces prevents damage to your samples and probes. With the state-of-the-art position sensor technology, the system delivers highest accuracy and maximum precision.

The video shows AFM images of the same individual DNA molecule acquired in liquid over 400 consecutive scans, which demonstrate the low invasiveness and stability (rate 10 frames/sec). With conventional AFM (4 lines/sec), this experiment would take more than 2 hours.

Until now, performing dynamic experiments on living cells, highly corrugated samples or steep surface structures with highest spatial and temporal resolution was challenging. With our new NestedScanner technology, cells, bacteria or structured surfaces with samples heights up to 8µm can now be examined at the highest scan speeds.

  • Observe sample dynamics in real-time with highest resolution
  • Access to corrugated and higher surfaces with the NestedScanner technology
  • Combine AFM and optical fluorescence microscopy for multiparametric in-situ experiments
  • Enhance productivity, probe more sample positions faster


The video shows melting and cystallization of a thin film of biodegradable Polyester polycaprolactone (PCL) by ramping the sample temperature from 33°C to 62°C and back while scanning. The NestedScanner technology allows high speed scanning of 225µm/s during the entire temperature cycle by following the swelling and contraction of the PCL film over the whole height range of 2.5 µm.

PeakForce Tapping – The gold standard for easy imaging

Peak Force Tapping enables even inexperienced users to precisely control probe-to-sample interactions and minimize imaging forces. This is vitally important for soft, and fragile biological samples.

This superior force control results in the most consistent, highest resolution AFM imaging, and is suitable for the widest range of sample types.

Using PeakForce Tapping, crystal-clear images can be obtained with just a few clicks, and without any expert knowledge or cantilever tuning necessary. Never before has it been so easy to image a sample.




The image shows Peakforce Tapping on DNA Origami (GATTAAFM, Gattaquant, Germany) on mica in TAE buffer.

Perfect optical integration provides true correlative microscopy

Enhance your system with the HybridStage to perform automated mapping of large large samples areas. The HybridStage™ frees experiments from the constraints of the AFM piezo range. Large-range tiling of optical images provides a clear visual overview, allowing a fast setup of optically guided experiments and direct selection of the optical features for investigation.

Navigate around the sample, collect a list of interesting features for Multiscan, or even map force responses over greatly extended scan ranges.

The HybridStage is a newly developed modular, piezobased sample scanner stage combined with motorized XY sample movement, giving direct access to anything you can see. The highly versatile solution for all your sample requirements.


The images show living Vero cells in cell culture medium at 37°C in PetriDishHeater™ . [1] Optical tiling with 5×6 phase contrast images covering a 630µm×450µm region. [2] Zoom of the regions indicated and multiple AFM images using PeakForce Tapping mode. [3] Height image of region (a) in (2) with pixel difference filter applied [4] Height image of region (b) in (2) showing microvilli, z range 500nm; Sample courtesy of Prof. A. Herrmann, Humboldt University, Berlin


New workflow-based user interface redefines user-friendliness

The new V7 software interface guides users through the workflow to set up experiments intuitively and makes it simple, even for users with minimal AFM experience, to progress confidently to generating high-quality data. Each stage of the setup and operation works as an optimized desktop that brings all the vital information into focus with a single click.

  • On-screen, context-sensitive help
  • Status feedback for alignment and setup
  • Efficient task-based experiment selection
  • Fast access to favorite and recently used experiments
  • One-click probe calibration
  • Instant overview of the key data
  • User management for Multi-User environments like imaging facilities

Perfect integration and correlated data with advanced fluorescence microscopy platforms

The combination of AFM with the Nobel prize-winning super-resolution technologies (STED, PALM/ STORM) provides enhanced imaging capabilities.

The NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2, with its unique tip-scanning technology, can also be integrated with single molecule techniques like FRET, FCS, FLIM, TIRF to provide additional optical data sets when performing dynamic experiments on living cells or molecules. Correlation with other advanced optical techniques like confocal, spinning disc, and structured illumination techniques (SIM), combined with livie cell imaging, makes this system the perfect choice for applications in medical, biophysical, chemical or material research.

The newly enhanced DirectOverlay 2 software module enables the direct correlation of AFM and optical data. The capabilities of our calibration algorithms, visualization routines and usability have all been expanded to provide the most user-friendly functionality available today.

The images show a correlative Experiment of AFM and STED on ATTO-647N labelled DNA nanorulers in TAE-buffer. Sample courtesy: GATTAQUANT GmbH, Germany [1] and correlative STED and AFM images of isolated sacculi of Bacillus subtilis with cell division protein (FtsZ) labeled for highlighting z rings. Sample courtesy: R.K. Tank1,3 · R.D. Turner2,3 · S. Kumar1,3 N. Mullin1,3 · A. Cadby1,3 · S.J. Foster2,3 · J.K. Hobbs1,3; 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy · 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology · 3 The Krebs Institute; all University of Sheffield, UK [2].

Flexibility and modularity - essential requirements for a modern research lab

NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 with TopViewOptics™ module and Head-up-stage


Vortis 2 - today's fastest and most flexible controller

The new, high-speed, low-noise Vortis 2 controller is a brilliant piece of precision engineering. With more processing and computing power than any other controller today, Vortis 2 sets the standard. Equipped with the latest FPGA technology and a dual core Power PC, the system can process a huge amount of data in the shortest timeframe. Vortis 2 comes with faster, low-noise DACs and a cutting-edge position sensor readout technology. The system offers a large number of feedback modes, a powerful HV amplifier module for high speed applications and is passively cooled to keep acoustic noise in the lab low.

The new system comes with more accessories and modes than any other AFM platform, each specifically developed to suit the broadest range of applications.

Latest accessories for enhanced usability

  • TopViewOptics™ module for opaque samples: Can be used on an inverted microscope.
  • Head-up stage for tall samples (up to 14cm in height)

Key Features

  • High-speed imaging with 10 frames/sec with excellent resolution
  • Now with Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping as standard
  • Revolutionary new workflow-based user interface for ergonomics and ease of operation
  • New tiling functionality for automated mapping of large sample areas together with the HybridStage
  • Unique integration with optical microscopy by tip-scanning design and the newly enhanced DirectOverlay 2 mode for most precise correlative microscopy
  • New Vortis 2 controller with high-speed low-noise DACs and cutting-edge position sensor readout technology
  • Highest flexibility and upgradeability with a broad range of modes and accessories
NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 setup on Zeiss Axio Observer with new user interface and tablet control.

NanoWizard ULTRA Speed 2 Data Gallery

Bruker’s BioAFMs allow life science and biophysics researchers to further their investigations in the fields of cell mechanics and adhesion, mechanobiology, cell-cell and cell-surface interactions, cell dynamics, and cell morphology. We have collected a gallery of images demonstrating a few of these applications.


Operating Modes

Standard Operating Modes

  • Imaging modes
  • Now with PeakForce Tapping
  • Contact mode with lateral force microscopy (LFM)
  • Tapping Mode™ with PhaseImaging™
  • Force measurements
  • Static and dynamic spectroscopy
  • Advanced force mapping


Optional Modes

  • High-speed scanning option with 10 frames/sec
  • Fast QI Advanced mode for quantitative data, perfect for soft samples
  • Mechanical properties such as adhesion, elasticity, stiffness, deformation
  • Conductivity and charge distribution mapping
  • Contact Point Imaging (CPI) with zero force
  • Molecular recognition imaging for binding site mapping
  • Advanced AC modes such as FM and PM with Q-control & Active
    Gain Control
  • Higher harmonics imaging
  • Kelvin Probe Microscopy and SCM MFM and EFM (see also QI mode)
  • Conductive AFM (see also QI mode)
  • STM
  • Electrical spectroscopy modes
  • Piezoresponse Microscopy for high voltages
  • Electrochemistry with temperature control and optical microscopy
  • NanoLithography
  • NanoManipulation
  • Nanoindentation
  • Scanning Thermal AFM
  • FluidFM® solution from Cytosurge
  • ExperimentPlanner for designing a specific measurement workflow
  • RampDesigner™ for custom designed clamp and ramp experiments
  • ExperimentControl feature for remote experiment control
  • DirectOverlay 2 for combined AFM and optical microscopy
  • Additional XY or Z sample movement stages available with CellHesion®, TAO™ and HybridStage™ module

The Widest Range of Accessories in the Market

Optical systems/accessories, electrochemistry solutions, electrical sample characterization, environmental control options, software modules, temperature control, acoustic and vibration isolation solutions and more. Bruker provides you with the right accessories to control your sample conditions and to perform successful experiments.  


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