Image of Gaia mosaic
Image of Gaia mosaic

Handheld and Portable XRF in Cultural Heritage - Part II

On-Demand Session - 46 Minutes

Elemental Analysis of Paintings, Ceramics and Other Challenging Surfaces

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is a non-invasive technique that allows for the elemental analysis of culturally important objects with robust and reproducible data within only a few minutes. Handheld XRF instruments are increasingly becoming an indispensable tool for the elemental analysis of various types of art objects, whether these are made of ceramic or bronze, or posess a painted surface.

This second webinar in our handheld and portable XRF for cultural heritage series builds on the foundations laid in our first webinar. As we delve deeper into this topic we will provide guidelines to the following concerns that every researcher or conservator inevitably encounters:

  • The preparation of non-ideal samples to gain representative and repeatable qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis
  • The qualitative interpretation of XRF spectra
  • Ambiguity in results

Based on these guidelines, we will suggest a game plan to use when approaching an analytical project involving non-ideal samples in the fields of cultural heritage and art conservation.




Who Should Attend?

  • Researchers, professionals, and students in cultural heritage who use XRF analysis
  • Archaeologists or art scientists working in-situ at cultural heritage sites
  • Those interested in broadening their understanding of XRF analysis of artifacts using portable systems
Preparation of a bound illuminated manuscript: A thin aluminium sheet is used as background.
Comparison of spectra from layered samples. The two sides have differing elemental intensities and distributions. 


Maggi Loubser

Senior Lecturer & Coordinator - University of Pretoria, South Africa

Dr. Kathrin Schneider

Application Scientist Handheld XRF - Bruker Nano Analytics

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