Elemental Mapping of a Marine Organism using SEM EDS

Unlock the Secrets of Marine Life using Cutting-Edge Technology

The elemental mapping of biological samples using Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy on a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM EDS) is inherently challenging. Biological samples are often too delicate and sensitive for EDS analysis at conventional beam energies and measurement times, and their complex topographical features can lead to issues such as electrical charging and shadowing. 

The cutting-edge, annular XFlash® FlatQUAD detector has been designed to overcome these challenges. The detector's enhanced X-ray sensitivity allows for the low-energy, high-resolution elemental mapping of delicate samples, whereas its annular design minimizes shadowing effects. 

In this study, a Firebristle worm (Polychaeta) was analyzed, providing novel insights into its fine-scale morphology and elemental composition. Polychaeta is renowned for its defensive mechanism, which is characterized by mineralized bristles filled with a burning neurotoxin. The hollow, mineralized bristles, composed of calcium phosphate, play a crucial role in the worm's defense against predators.

The use of the XFlash® FlatQUAD detector enabled the detailed elemental hyperspectral imaging of the worm's mineralized bristles and head.

We are grateful to the University of Bonn's Institute for Organismic Biology for providing the sample used in this WebNote.  

The head of Firebristle Worm, analyzed at 10 kV in just under 3 minutes. The head is adorned with its mineralized bristles composed of calcium phosphate. These bristles, crafted from calcium phosphate, not only provide structural support to the organism but also serve a vital function in its defense mechanism.

Image Extension - Elemental Mapping of Large Regions of Interest

Image Extension was employed to capture the entire mm-sized object, stitching together 4 x 3 frames automatically by using Bruker's ESPRIT Software, allowing for the comprehensive visualization of the entire sample in a single click.

The integration of Image Extension into SEM EDS using the XFlash® FlatQUAD detector represents a significant advancement in hyperspectral imaging technology.

By effortlessly capturing large areas of interest with high resolution and accuracy, Image Extension enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of SEM EDS analysis, pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery in fields such as marine biology and beyond.

Many more exciting examples of elemental mapping in life science applications using XFlash® FlatQUAD and our ESPRIT Software can be seen in our Webinar:

The large area mapping of the firebristle worm over 4 x 3 fields was acquired at 6 kV in just under 3 minutes using XFlash FlatQUAD and ESPRIT software. This seaworm's mineralized bristles are filled with a burning neurotoxin, which act as a defense mechanism against predators.

Single Element Maps of the Firebristle Worm Head