Atomic Force Microscopes for Life Science

[eBook] Atomic Force Microscopy for Life Sciences

Download the latest edition to learn about new features, modes, and novel case studies

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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a high-resolution surface analysis technique that enables 3D topographic imaging at the nanoscale and multiparametric characterization of the mechanical properties of materials, soft matter, and biological samples. 

Investigating living cells, challenging biological samples, and thick, multilayer tissue samples requires specifically designed instrumentation. BioAFMs are optimized for such samples and enable measurements under near-physiological or controlled environmental conditions. They can also be combined seamlessly with advanced optical microscopy to deliver complementary datasets and correlated measurements, providing new insights into molecular mechanisms and opening the way for new and exciting research applications.

This eBook provides an overview of this technology, practical tips, and a host of other information valuable to both AFM users and those not familiar with the technique who are interested in how it can extend their research capabilities.


Readers can expect to learn more about:

  • The working principle of BioAFM and the latest, state-of-the-art features and imaging modes 
  • Selecting cantilevers for specific biological applications
  • Correlative microscopy and combining AFM with advanced optical techniques to enhance analysis capabilities
  • Novel case studies illustrating the use of BioAFM in life science research, including the investigation of DNA origami, cellular and molecular dynamics, and microrheological in living cells, as well as AFM-based single-molecule force spectroscopy
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