Molecular Imaging

Sequential PET/MR

Combines enhanced morphological information and superior soft tissue contrast of MRI with the highest molecular sensitivity and accurate quantification of PET


150 mm FOV
Total body PET for dynamic imaging and biodistribution studies
Hybrid Imaging
With no compromises between the technologies
Low to High Field
Superior morphological insights with Biospec Maxwell technology at 3T, 7T and 9.4T
PET/MR - Brochure

Combining PET with MRI enhances the capabilities to study detailed morphological changes in different organs and tumours, adding more precise information of the distribution and behaviour of the PET tracer.

Bruker’s sequential PET/MR instruments are offered at 3T for translational research and at 7T and 9.4T for high-field applications in mice and rats using Bruker’s BioSpec Maxwell MRI technology. This is combined with Bruker’s SiPM PET technology, providing the highest sensitivity, high spatial resolution and precise quantification across the entire FOV. A touch screen controlled motorized animal transport system simplifies the workflow and supports a broad spectrum of application fields, such as oncology, functional and anatomical neuroimaging, cardiac imaging and stroke models. All of this powered by the Paravision 360 software, allowing MRI users to follow familiar MR imaging workflows to obtain valuable PET/MR data immediately.



  • Designed for total body PET/MR of mice, multi-mice and rats
  • Accurate animal positioning with the motorized animal transport system, including touchscreen operation for a simplified, precise workflow
  • Intuitive ParaVision software with over 100 validated and ready to use in vivo protocols and scan programs for mice and rats
  • Streamlined workflows including automatic image stitching, MR based attenuation correction and PET/MR image fusion
  • Optimized animal cradles for dynamic PET studies
  • PMOD for nuclear molecular data analysis and advanced kinetic modelling
  • Lightweight and compact footprint fits in any laboratory
  • Rat up to 600 grams

PET Imaging Modality

  • Inner diameter 112 mm
  • Up to 0.7 mm spatial resolution
  • 12 % sensitivity
  • 150 x 80 mm FOV

MRI Imaging Modality

  • Compact and easy-to-site BioSpec Maxwell
  • 3T, 7T or 9.4T
  • PET optimized RF coils
  • Up to 900 mT/m, Gradient strength, 4200 T/m/s Slew rate
  • No liquid helium or nitrogen filling needed
  • No quench pipe required
  • Automatic magnet control


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory