Fluorescence Microscopy Solutions

High-Throughput Screening Microscopy

For next-generation imaging and high-content screening

Transform the Workflow

High-throughput screening microscopy is well suited for advanced experiments such as time-lapse, screening, and imaging assays. Our solutions uniquely provide comprehensive data storage and processing capabilities as well as a host of tools, including built-in temperature regulation, for imaging sensitive samples and structures. This technology is creating opportunities for researchers to investigate a variety of applications in cellular biology.


Our Microscopy and Software Solution


Imaging oscillating reporter gene expression to study pattern formation in zebrafish segmentation. Image courtesy of Daniele Soroldoni and Andy Oates lab, EPFL.

High-content screening for chemical modulators of heart development in zebrafish. Images by 4DHeart ESR Eleonora Lupi (Nadia Mercader lab, University of Bern & Acquifer. RGB changed to magenta-green.).

Monitoring of neutrophil migration after automated laser injury. Image data generated by INFLANET ESRs Nils Olijhoek (Stephen Renshaw and Phil Elks labs, University of Sheffield) and Sankeert Satheesan (ACQUIFER).

Tail cut assays to study inflammation in zebrafish. Image courtesy of Yufei Xie, Mahmoud Halima (Annemarie Meijer and Marcel Schaaf labs, Leiden University).

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