EPR Resonators

Mixing Cell EPR Resonator

Specifically designed for reactions of biological or biochemical substances in solution where only small amounts of samples are available

A Combination of Continuous Flow and Dielectric X-Band Cavity

The detection of short-lived radicals generated in a continuous flow reaction system is optimized by using a dielectric ring resonator with high Q-value and high filling factor. Therefore the ER 4117MX-II resonator is specifically designed for reactions of biological or biochemical substances in solution where only small amounts of samples are available.

A quartz capillary with an i.d. of 0.4 mm offers an active volume of approximately 1.6 µl ensuring minimum consumption of the sample substance. The outer diameter of almost 5 mm guaranties internal stability and safeguards against the high pressure.


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory