Elemental map of mineral taken using micro-XRF on SEM
Elemental map of mineral taken using micro-XRF on SEM

Introducing XTrace 2 the Next-Generation for Enhanced Micro-XRF on SEM

On-Demand Session - 48 Minutes

Increase your analytical capabilities with the latest technology for SEM XRF

Join us for the launch of XTrace 2, the second-generation X-ray source used in our system for micro-XRF on SEM - QUANTAX micro-XRF.

Micro-XRF on SEM, also known as SEM XRF, provides scanning electron electron microscope users with additional analytical capabilities. Augmenting your SEM with QUANTAX micro-XRF allows users to go beyond the limits of the electron beam analysis used in SEM EDS, opening a whole new analytical world. Micro-XRF on SEM can be used for trace element detection, layer analysis and the detection of high-energy elemental lines, all with only minimal sample preparation.

In this webinar we will introduce you to our new X-ray source, XTrace 2, which takes the analytical capabilities of micro-XRF on SEM further than ever before. Equipped with a powerful 50 W micro-focus X-ray Rh tube, with 35 or 10 um optics, XTrace 2 can access high-energy elemental lines, providing more confidence in measurement and facilitating the detection of elements in crowded spectra.

XTrace 2 expands the capabilities of micro-XRF on SEM, allowing a wider variety of samples to be analysed. For example, the high-resolution imaging of topographic samples within a SEM is now possible thanks to XTrace 2's pioneering Aperture Management System (AMS) whereas the system's Flexispot Mode can be used to accurately measure inhomogeneous samples. In addition, the system can be automatically controlled via ESPRIT software with an Auto Source Retraction Mode providing an extra level of safety.

Join us in this webinar to explore the potential of micro-XRF on SEM with XTrace 2 across a range of different applications.


Who Should Attend?

  • Scientists and researchers from all analytical fields interested in elemental analysis and electron microscopy
  • SEM users who want to learn about trace element mapping using micro x-ray fluorescence
  • SEM users who would like to analyze the elements in layered samples
  • Micro-XRF on SEM users who would like to increase their analytical capabilities 
XTrace 2 - The new X-ray source for QUANTAX micro-XRF
3D feature on a pyrite (FeS2) crystal. XTrace 2's Aperture Management System (AMS) can be used to image topographic samples within a SEM.
Elemental map of the components on a circuit board. Micro-XRF on SEM can be used for both major and trace element mapping.  


Dr. Andrew Menzies

Senior Application Scientist - Geology and Mining, Bruker Nano Analytics

Stephan Boehm

Product Manager micro-XRF on SEM and WDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

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