Microbial Identification

MALDI Biotyper® Reference Library

The heart of the MALDI Biotyper® - enabling accurate and reliable microorganism identification

Unlocking microbial secrets with the MALDI Biotyper® Library

Imagine a world where microorganism identification is no longer a mystery but a realm of precision and discovery. At the core of this transformation lies the ingenious principle behind the MALDI Biotyper® (MBT) Library – a dynamic repository of knowledge that empowers you to unveil the identities of microorganisms with unparalleled accuracy.

Thousands of species
Continuously expanding 
Regular updates
with new spectra and species
while safeguarding taxonomy
proteomic fingerprint matching

A straightforward yet efficient identification algorithm

The principle behind identification of microorganisms with the MALDI Biotyper® is the comparison of the mass spectrum of an unknown organism with a library of reference mass spectra, each based on multiple measurements of a single defined strain.

A symphony of innovation and expertise

Bruker's commitment to excellence resonates through the comprehensive MBT Library. Our determined pursuit of knowledge has resulted in a comprehensive collection of species and strains, accurately curated to provide broad strain coverage. This constantly growing expertise ensures that the MBT Library stands as the summit of comprehensive microorganism reference resources.

Empowering exploration, one spectrum at a time

As an ever-evolving platform, the MBT Library transcends the limitations of other molecular platforms, offering an expansive identification scope that facilitates your daily work. Step into the world of the MALDI Biotyper® and experience possibilities going beyond the ordinary.

The pillars of precision: distinct libraries fitting to your microbiology lab

Within the dedicated MALDI Biotyper® workflows, superior libraries await your exploration. Please contact your local representative for availability in your country:

MBT Compass reference library (2023)

This library encompasses 4,320 species across 712 microorganism genera, for research labs or industrial applications such as Food, Veterinary, or Pharma environments.  

A small add-on Security-Relevant (SR) Library addresses 12 highly pathogenic species spanning 10 genera. 

The MBT Compass reference library is part of the MBT Compass (HT) software.
Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.

MBT IVD reference library (version 2023)

This library comprises spectra from thousands of strains for 4,239 species across 686 genera, including the common clinical species as well as rare microorganisms.  

The MBT IVD Library Extension covers 5 species from 5 genera and allows for early detection of highly pathogenic microorganisms in your IVD workflow, hence improving patient care, laboratory safety, and protection of public health. 

The MBT IVD reference library is part of the MBT Compass (HT) IVD software.
For professional use only. Not for sale in the USA.

MALDI Biotyper® CA library

The USA FDA-cleared MALDI Biotyper® CA System workflow is split into two parts:

  • Clinically validated species – The MALDI Biotyper® CA library includes 488 microbial species in different groups, covering anaerobes, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as yeasts.
  • Non-clinically validated species – The non-clinically validated library consists of reference patterns from more than 3400 species, which have not been clinically validated. In the interest of public healthcare, these organisms are specially marked and displayed in the MALDI Biotyper® result report in order to direct the required alternate laboratory method for identification. Results for non-clinically validated organisms cannot be transmitted from the MBT CA to the laboratory information system.

The MALDI Biotyper® CA library is part of the MALDI Biotyper® CA System software.
Only for sale in the USA and Puerto Rico.

The gateway to your vision: the open microbiology concept

Bruker presents an innovative gateway for laboratories seeking to shape the future of microbial identification. With our unique open library concept, you have the power to craft your library entries using the optional MBT Explorer® Software Module. Elevate collaboration among researchers by creating, modifying, and sharing reference spectra. 

Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.

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