Atomic Force Microscope

NanoWizard NanoOptics

Enabling optics at the nanoscale

NanoWizard® NanoOptics

The NanoWizard® NanoOptics AFM is optimized for a broad range of applications ranging from nanoscale optical imaging by aperture and scattering-type SNOM to experiments involving interactions of light with the sample such as absorption, excitation, nonlinear effects and quenching.

Cutting Edge
Optical near-field experiments
Collection of single photons and sub-wavelength resolution. Ideal for the study of optical surface properties, quantum dots and metamaterials.
Nanoscale optical imaging
Seamless integration with advanced fluorescence techniques, Raman spectroscopy, and time-correlated single photon counting systems. Integrated port for SNOM applications.
User-defined experiments
Correlative data. Highest spatial resolution in the nano-meter range. Designed for stability and liquid applications. Ideal for BioTERS applications.

Cutting edge technology to study nanooptical phenomena

The new NanoWizard® NanoOptics head comes with excellent physical and optical access to the sample from top and bottom as well as from front and side, even when the head and condenser are in place. Additionally, it has an integrated port for fiber SNOM applications.

Because stability and reproducibility of the SPM-tip positioning and scanning are vital for applications requiring the collection of single photons over a long time period, the system has been optimized for it. Improved closed-loop control on 5 or 6 axes and highest scanner resonance frequency in z deliver a scanner performance previously not available in a commercial AFM. This ensures highest data quality for imaging and force measurements in air and liquids.

The new Vortis™ Advanced SPM controller delivers cutting edge values for noise levels, data acquisition speed, and maximum versatility. Advanced electronics and software for multiple feedback controls, highest bandwidth and access to all signals combined with the ability to work with user-written scripts are all key elements for successful experiments. Synchronization of AFM and spectrometer data is achieved by a user-friendly software interface.

The NanoWizard® AFM is designed for optimal use in liquid and comes with a vapour barrier, encapsulated piezos and a variety of dedicated liquid cells. The system may also be used in air or controlled gas environments.

Flexibility in the software and the range of accessories make the system ready for any user-defined experiments. The newly developed fiber coupled detection module for sensitive detectors such as APDs and PMTs delivers outstanding results in terms of stray-light suppression.

Optical near-field experiments

Fiber coupled detection module mounted on a Leica microscope side port.

Aperture fiber SNOM experiments
An integrated fiber SNOM port in the NanoWizard® NanoOptics head and the Tuning Fork module allow hassle-free integration of techniques.

Scattering-type SNOM (sSNOM) experiments
The new system is perfect for tip-enhanced applications such as fluorescence with nano-antennas made of nanofabricated or chemically modified tips. As an alternative to cantilever based optical probes, STM tips can be used with the new Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) module.

Nanomanipulation in optical fields
The new system is ideal for studying optical surface properties of dyes and markers, quantum dots/rods or metamaterials such as quenching or plasmon generation in combination with topography, nanomechanical, electrical and magnetic properties. Thanks to the symmetric design of stage and head as well as the latest closed-loop scanner technology in a 5- or 6-axis configuration, long-term stability and reproducibility reach the highest possible level.

Key components and basic parameters for Raman/TERS/BioTERS experiments

Tip and sample scanner combination
NanoWizard® head (3 scan axes) and TAO™ sample scanner module (2 or 3 scan axes) on top of an inverted microscope integrated into a Raman spectrometer

Suppression of optical cross talk between AFM and Raman excitation/signal
980nm laser source in the AFM
Blocking and cleaning filters in the AFM head

AFM stability over long time
High performance closed-loop scanners and symmetric design of AFM head and stage
Coverslip based fluid cells with temperature control and fluid exchange for highest stability in combination with oil or water immersion objectives

System integration
Synchronization between AFM tip and sample position, and Raman signal recording in the JPK software
JPKs proven algorithm to find the perfect tip position in the focus of the high-NA objective lens

Large variety of AFM/SPM operation modes
Vortis™ Advanced controller with highest speed and lowest noise with a large number of signal channels accessible with the Signal Access front panel
Easy-to-use and fully featured JPK software for advanced experiments for beginners and experts
Raman Reflector Kit for TERS on opaque samples

NanoWizard® NanoOptics setup with [1] Acton Advanced SP2750 [2] Renishaw inVia and [3] Jobin Yvon LabRaw HR.
TERS mapping on fixed single human colon cancer cells (HT29 in liquid); Raman data analysis by hyperspectral unmixing algorithm N-FINDR. From: M. Richter, M. Hedegaard, T. Deckert-Gaudig, P. Lampen, V. Deckert: “Laterally resolved and direct spectroscopic evidence of nanometer-sized lipid and protein domains on a single cell”, Small 7(2): 209 (2011).

Advanced fluorescence techniques and Time Correlated Single Photon  Counting (TCSPC)

Complementary techniques to AFM, such as epi-fluorescence, confocal laser scanning microscopy, TIRF, FRET, FCS, FLIM, FRAP, STORM, PALM, STED, spinning disc, etc., give insight about the behavior or location of particular features.

It is now possible to routinely combine AFM imaging and force measurements with these optical methods on the same sample spot simultaneously.

Simultaneous AFM and FLIM measurements on nanoparticles. Scan size 800nm². [1] 3D height information with fluorescence signal overlaid in green. [2] Lifetime signal.
The images show the NanoWizard® AFM combined with a Picoquant MicroTime 200 FLIM system and with a Zeiss LSM 700 confocal laser scanning system.

Key Features

  • Head in 2 versions available
    UV transparency version for top view sample illumination with UV-light
    Fiber port version for fiber SNOM applications
  • Highest stability and lowest drift for long term experiments
  • Up to 6 axes closed-loop scanning (3 by tip and 3 by sample) with the TAO™ module
  • 980nm laser source for cantilever deflection detection prevents cross talk with other wavelengths
  • Special filter sets for blocking and cleaning inside
  • Also versions for 2-photon microscopy available
  • Compatible with most commercially available inverted research microscopes (Zeiss Axiovert and Axio Observer lines, Nikon TE and Ti lines, Olympus IX line and Leica DMI/DMi lines
  • Seamless integration with inverted microscopes, Raman spectrometers, photon counting systems
  • Optional PI PIFOC® module for independent vertical focus positioning
  • Coverslip-based sample holders for air, inert gases, liquid and with electrical sample connection
  • Flexible Vortis™ Advanced SPM controller with the largest variety of signal channels and Q-control
  • Wide range of operation modes and accessories such as Tuning Fork, STM, Conductive AFM, Fiber SNOM, Raman Reflector Kit and fiber coupled detection module

Operating Modes

Standard Operating Modes

Imaging modes

  • Easy-to-use and intuitive QI™ mode with precise force control
  • Contact mode with lateral force microscopy (LFM)
  • AC modes with phase detection

Force measurements

  • Static and dynamic spectroscopy
  • Advanced force mapping

Optional Modes

  • Fast scanning option up to 100 lines/sec
  • QI™ Advanced mode for quantitative data
    Mechanical properties such as adhesion, elasticity, stiffness, deformation
    Conductivity and charge distribution mapping
    Contact Point Imaging (CPI) with zero force
    Molecular recognition imaging for binding site mapping
  • HyperDrive™ mode for highest resolution imaging in fluid
  • Advanced AC modes such as FM and PM with Q-control & Active Gain Control
  • Higher harmonics imaging


  • MicroRheology
  • Kelvin Probe Microscopy and SCM
  • MFM and EFM (see also QI™ mode)
  • Conductive AFM (see also QI™ mode)
  • STM
  • Electrical spectroscopy modes
  • Piezo-Response Microscopy
  • Electrochemistry with temperature control and optical microscopy
  • NanoLithography and NanoManipulation
  • Nanoindentation
  • Scanning Thermal AFM
  • JPK ExperimentPlanner™ for designing a dedicated measurement workflow
  • JPK RampDesigner™ for custom designed force curve segments for clamp and ramp experiments
  • ExperimentControl™ feature for remote experiment control
  • Environmental control options
  • DirectOverlay™ for combined AFM and optical microscopy
  • Additional xy or z sample movement stages available with CellHesion®, TAO™ and HybridStage™ module

The Widest Range of Accessories in the Market

Optical systems/accessories, electrochemistry solutions, electrical sample characterization, environmental control options, software modules, temperature control, acoustic and vibration isolation solutions and more. Bruker provides you with the right accessories to control your sample conditions and to perform successful experiments.  


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