Whether you are interested in instrumental analysis, organic chemistry labs, physical chemistry instruction or biochemical labs NMR can enhance all these activities in educational institutions.
In instrumental analysis or physical chemistry classes, NMR can be taught as a method. In these courses the physical and theoretical background of nuclear magnetic resonance is presented in practical sessions on spectrometers or with simulations that can be executed using the popular NMR-Sim program. These activities perfectly complement the theoretical lectures.
Instrumental analysis and, especially, organic chemistry courses will introduce the students to practical applications of NMR such as structure elucidation, verification, synthesis control and more. For many undergrad chemistry labs and instruction at smaller institutions, the cryogen-free Fourier 80 is the instrument of choice. Students can analyze their reaction products right in or next to the lab. Bruker’s larger NMR spectrometers with superconducting magnets start with the affordable and easily configurable AvanceCore at 400 MHz and go all the way to our highest commercial magnetic field of 1.2 GHz. At lower fields, the liquid nitrogen cooled Prodigy or the multinuclear iProbe provide a wide range of observable nuclei and optimized sensitivity to satisfy the needs of researchers working in fields such as organic and inorganic chemistry, environmental sciences or materials research and more.
Bruker also provides significant collections of manuals, webinars and training courses to educate users, students and faculty in the theory and applications of NMR. This is complemented by several software packages that allow the user to explore NMR experiments (NMR-Sim) or simulate spin systems (DAISY) without using instrument time. Other packages such as the NMR Guide and Encyclopedia provide vast references and resources.