
3D Optical Profilers

Correlating Advanced 3D Optical Profiling Surface Measurements to Traceable Standards

Take full advantage of the capabilities of today’s top-performing 3D optical profilers.

This application note discusses the advantages of the non-contact inspection method employed by 3D optical profilers and best practices for correlating measurements to nationally traceable standards, including practical considerations and measurement results for some specialized PTB (Physikalish-Technische Bundesanstalt) traceable roughness standards and other low-cost fingernail roughness gages.

Readers can expect to understand concepts crucial to accurate 3D optical profiler-based inspection, including:

  • How this technology correlates to traditional 2D techniques and standards;
  • The measurement factors that should be considered for accurate correlation results when imaging and analyzing surface textures ranging in roughness from a few nanometers to micrometers in scale; and
  • How the increase of measurement data (3D surface S parameters) can be quantified and utilized.
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