Bruker Introduces Ultima Investigator Plus — Multiphoton Microscope for Tissue Imaging

Larger Field-of-View and Deep Imaging for In Vivo Neuroscience and Immuno-Oncology Research

MADISON, Wisconsin – March 29, 2022 – Bruker today announced the release of the Ultima Investigator Plus, the newest modular platform addition to the industry-leading Ultima line of multiphoton microscopes for deep tissue fluorescence imaging. With an expanded field of view, optimized optics for two- and three-photon imaging, and an enhanced close-coupled collection path, Investigator Plus enriches scientists’ ability to image deep and see more within challenging specimens. Additionally, new proprietary electronics and software allows for multi-region scanning for quick imaging between different targeted locations. Investigator Plus enables researchers to better explore neural connectivity, T-cell mechanisms, collagen alignment, and other tissue structures and functions.

“We have been pleased with the Investigator multiphoton platform, which has allowed for cellular resolution neural imaging of calcium transients at video rates to visualize the formation of a memory trace in specific structures of the Drosophila brain,” said Dhruv Grover, Ph.D., Assistant Researcher at the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind at the University of California, San Diego. “We are excited about the new developments in the field of view, multi-region scanning, and upgradeability as they will undoubtedly aid our work in unraveling the brain-wide processes that underlie cognitive behaviors.”

In vivo imaging using multiphoton microscopy continues to be a critical method for advancing knowledge of neural connectivity in the brain, and it is an increasingly important tool for research in immuno-oncology and other disciplines,” added Xiaomei Li, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Bruker’s Fluorescence Microscopy Business. “With the Investigator Plus, we offer an advanced in vivo imaging platform that enables these diverse research endeavors, and which is field-upgradable to perform optogenetics experiments with photostimulation.”

About Ultima Investigator Plus

As the most streamlined model of the Ultima line of multiphoton microscopes, Investigator Plus builds upon a platform optimized for live imaging. It provides generous clearance for in vivo studies and off-axis imaging capabilities for brain imaging applications. With an expanded field of view, enhanced close-coupled detection path, and field-upgrade availability to the Ultima 2Pplus system, Investigator Plus is designed to grow with changing or increasing research demands. A host of add-ons, including three-photon imaging, multi-region scanning, and motorized nosepiece, integrate seamlessly for a comprehensive imaging experience. An optional resonant galvanometer enables high-speed applications, with full-frame rates of 30 frames per second and region-of-interest frame rates of more than 500 frames per second. Photoactivation and photostimulation options are also available. Prairie View software provides links to other software platforms for seamless data transfer and scripting, allowing closed-loop experiments during data acquisition. With its combination of streamlined features and add-on capabilities, Ultima Investigator Plus delivers the ultimate value for in vivo studies in smaller labs and additional imaging bandwidth in larger labs.

Media Contact
Stephen Hopkins 
Content Marketing Manager
Bruker Nano Fluorescence Microscopy
T: +1 (520) 741-1044x1022