Application Note - Magnetic Resonance

Solid-state NMR: TopSolids Tutorial Part 5 & 6

Solid-state NMR is a powerful analytical technique for understanding insoluble protein systems and solid samples. Bruker’s TopSolids™ software package is especially designed for solid-state NMR and guides users in the setup of hardware and experiments. We’ve put together a series of tutorial videos to offer practical instructions to help you get started.

Solid-state NMR is a powerful analytical technique for understanding insoluble protein systems and solid samples. Bruker’s TopSolids™ software package is especially designed for solid-state NMR and guides users in the setup of hardware and experiments. We’ve put together a series of tutorial videos to offer practical instructions to help you get started.

V. Determing the Proton Hard Pulse with TopSolids
VI. Determining the Carbon Hard Pulse with TopSolids