Nanoscale Infrared Spectrometer

Anasys nanoIR3

Streamlined photothermal AFM-IR for small samples

Anasys nanoIR3

The nanoIR3 is the latest generation nanoscale IR spectroscopy, chemical imaging, and property mapping system for both materials and life science applications. The system also provides IR-based chemical imaging to provide mapping of chemical variations of the feature of interest. Unique point spectroscopy capabilities provide both spectroscopy and chemical imaging with a single source.

IR spectroscopy
Enables reliable acquisition of nanoscale absorption data.
Tapping AFM-IR
Performs chemical mapping at the highest spatial resolution, while providing high-quality IR spectroscopy.
Extends spectroscopic range for a broader range of applications.

Complete Nanoscale Characterization

The nanoIR3 provides a comprehensive set of capabilities for nanoscale characterization. The unique POINTspectra feature provides both point spectroscopy and chemical imaging with a single laser source, enabling faster time to data and, ultimately, a more cost-effective research solution. Hyperspectral Imaging provides the ability to create a 3D spectral map of the surface within to help identify unknowns and export for additional processing.

nanoIR measurements on polymer nano fibers. Courtesy of John Rabolt et al, University of Delaware.

High-Performance Monolayer Sensitivity

3rd-generation resonance-enhanced AFM-IR provides monolayer sensitivity.

Bruker’s proprietary Resonance-Enhanced AFM-IR mode provides the highest performance, rich, high-quality spectra to help identify materials at the nanoscale and better understand material changes and composition. From thin films to monolayers, Resonance-Enhanced AFM-IR is the most sensitive technique for nanoscale spectroscopy of organic materials.

Tapping AFM-IR Chemical Imaging

Incorporating proprietary technology and building upon years of industry-leading Anasys AFM-IR instrument development, the nanoIR3 is the highest performance nanoscale IR. Our patented Tapping AFM-IR imaging technique creates chemical mapping of the highest spatial resolution, while providing high-quality IR spectroscopy, chemical imaging, and materials property mapping system available today for materials and life science applications. Whether your goal is creating chemical composition maps of polymers, thin films, monolayers, or small, thin contaminants, obtaining high-resolution chemical imaging is easy and fast with Tapping AFM-IR.

Chemical characterization of PS-co-PMMA block co-polymer sample by Tapping AFM-IR: (a) Tapping AFM height image; (b) Tapping AFM-IR spectra clearly identifying each chemical component; (c) Tapping AFM-IR overlay image highlighting both components (PS at 1492 and PMMA at 1588); and (d) Profile cross section highlighting the achievable spatial resolution, 10 nm. Sample courtesy of Dr. Gilles Pecastaings and Antoine Segolene at the University of Bordeaux.

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