Infection Monitoring

FluoroType MRSA

For direct detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus  aureus strains from patient samples

Fast, easy and reliable

FluoroType® MRSA is a user-friendly and efficient solution for rapid MRSA detection directly from patient samples. The test system enables reliable results within only 1.5h by utilizing highly specific fluorescence-labelled probes.

The test is performed directly from clinical swabs, requiring only minimal pipetting effort. From amplification to detection, all steps run fully automated in the FluoroCycler® 12 or the FluoroCycler® XT. A ready-to-use amplification mix already containing the Taq polymerase is provided with each kit. As a result, integrating the FluoroType® MRSA into laboratories of various throughputs, whether small, medium, or large, is easily achievable. The result is interpreted by the test specific FluoroSoftware® and is visible at first glance.


Fast: Swabs from nose, throat, skin and wounds can directly be used for the simple test procedure. Results are available after only 1.5 hours.

Reliable: Dropout strains are identified via the simultaneous detection of the SCCmec cassette and the resistance-mediating mecA gene. The additional detection of the gene homologue mecC makes the results even more reliable. An Internal Control ensures valid results from sample preparation to amplification and detection.

User-friendly: From amplification to result, all steps run fully automated in the FluoroCycler® 12 or the FluoroCycler® XT. A ready-to-use amplification mix containing the Taq polymerase is provided with each kit, making it easy to integrate FluoroType® MRSA into a daily lab routine.

Flexible: With FluoroType® MRSA single samples as well as big batches can be analysed efficiently.


Please contact your local representative for availability in your country.

Not for sale in the USA.