Advanced Element Analysis of Geological Samples using QUANTAX WDS for SEM

On-Demand Session - 33 Minutes

Analytical Solution in Geoscience with WDS for SEM Technology

This webinar will provide information on the advantages of WDS for SEM for the analyses of geological samples.

In-situ analysis of millimeter to nanometer sized samples using scanning electron microscopes (SEM) is widespread in geosciences. Due to its versatility, robustness and speed, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is a suitable analytical technique for many applications. However, EDS analysis does have limitations, especially with respect to elemental peak overlaps, which are common in geological samples. Accordingly, when higher spectral resolution and performance for trace element detection beyond the limits of EDS are required, wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (WDS) is the ideal technique for gaining an even deeper insight into the composition of the sample. Here we present typical examples of geological minerals (silicates, sulfides, oxides and phosphates) where the superior spectral resolution provided by the QUANTAX WDS is evident and facilitates exact and reproducible determination and quantification of the respective elements in minerals.

The 30-minute webinar will start with an introduction to the QUANTAX WDS system. We will then continue with examples on qualitative and quantitative analyses of various minerals focusing especially on peak overlaps and trace element determination. The webinar will be rounded off by a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Researchers in Geological Sciences and Mining
  • Scientist from all analytical fields interested in WDS technology for SEM
BSE image of a microscopic sample containing sulfides
Combined WDS and EDS spectra of galena


Dr. Michael Abratis

Sr. Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics

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