Available in China, Europe, South Korea, and the USA
Our user schools are designed for established users of our QUANTAX EDS, QUANTAX EBSD and OPTIMUS TKD solutions.
Each user school brings together a small group of electron microscopists from across academia and industry to one of our global headquarters where we provide comprehensive application training on SEM EDS, EBSD or Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD).
Our user schools combine theoretical units about the fundamentals behind the technique alongside hands-on sessions at the SEM, with practical exercises to optimize the analysis and to help you with data interpretation using our ESPRIT software.
As well as learning from our experts, we are always excited to see the exchange of ideas between our user school participants, who gain insight into the challenges that other electron microscopists face and the solutions that Bruker Nano Analytics can provide.
Registration fee: €1,500 per participant
All registrations will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the content, late cancelation fees or about other type of trainings we offer.
Our QUANTAX EDS & EBSD User School is a combined user school for people working with both QUANTAX EDS and QUANTAX EBSD systems.
This combined user school is currently taking place exclusively in China.
To register please email your local sales representative.