Explore Micro-XRF in the Geosciences

On-Demand Session - 77 Minutes

Micro-XRF Technique in Geology

Bruker invites you to explore the exciting world of Micro-XRF for Geology. Micro-XRF is an analytical technique that uses small-spot X-rays to map relative elemental abundance and concentration on the micron scale. Innovative geologists haven been applying Micro-XRF for many years to answer research questions in fields as varied as mineralogy, planetary sciences (impact research), sedimentology, and paleontology. Features of Micro-XRF such as its large elemental range, high spatial resolution, and non-destructive nature have made the technique an ideal companion of the geological researcher.

This webinar will provide an overview of Micro-XRF applications in the geological sciences and give you the opportunity to get your questions about the method answered by leading experts in Micro-XRF. We hope to inspire you on how Micro-XRF can be applied to solve your toughest analytical challenges or give you new ideas on how to get more from an existing instrument.

Bruker's M4 TORNADO is a tabletop Micro-XRF spectrometer which combines micrometer spatial resolution and element mapping capability with a powerful set of analytical tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis. In this webinar, we will present several examples of qualitative and quantitative applications, including:

  • Learn how trace-element quantification can enhance your publications, particularly with the innovative nano-powder samples for calibration.
  • See exciting examples from the new field of in-situ fossil mapping; an approach that from the first measurement on started to reveal hidden and unexpected features from the Earth's past.
  • Explore examples of how elemental maps can reveal hidden features of minerals and sediment cores.

These and other examples will highlight the capabilities of the technique in the different fields, rounded off by a Q&A session where our experts will answer all your questions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Geoscientists with questions about Micro-XRF research applications.
  • Existing Micro-XRF users looking for inspiration or to understand new developments.
  • Core Research Facility managers seeking cutting-edge shared technology.
  • Peer-reviewers of grants and publications who want to keep up-to-date on emerging technologies.
  • Anyone who loves meteorites, fossils, or minerals!
Quantified Mn content in a garnet crystal
Elemental distribution image of a cerussite mineral from Morocco


Dr. Roald Tagle

Global Manager Application Science, Bruker Nano Analytics

Falk Reinhardt

Senior Application Scientist micro-XRF, Bruker Nano Analytics

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