AFM Modes

Torsional Resonance Mode (TR-Mode)

Probe samples dynamically in both vertical and lateral dimensions
Schematic showing how torsional resonance mode works on an atomic force microscope.

Using the torsional oscillations of the cantilever, Torsion Resonance Mode (TR-mode™) enables detailed, nanoscale examination of in-plane anisotropy of materials and measurements of dynamic friction at nanometer scale. It can also be interleaved with TappingMode™ to probe samples dynamically in both vertical and lateral dimensions with high sensitivity to local mechanical and tribological properties.

The benefits of this mode have been shown in studies of water adsorption on HOPG. TR data reveals detailed structures at step edges, information that cannot be resolved with TappingMode alone.

The Torsional Resonance Tunneling AFM (TR-TUNA) module enables TRmode in combination with Tunneling AFM (TUNA) functionality.