Large Area SEM Mapping Using the Rapid Stage and its Benefits for EDS, WDS and micro-XRF Analysis

On-Demand Session - 52 Minutes

The Performance of The New Rapid Stage

Large area mapping using an SEM can be hampered by the slow movement of a standard SEM stage.  In addition, there are potential X-ray signal intensity artifacts at low magnification due to the variance of the electron beam and sample interaction during analysis. This is particularly relevant for WDS analysis and can also be observed in BSE images or EDS element intensity maps.

This webinar demonstrates the performance of the new Rapid Stage that is specifically designed for SEMs to enable large area mapping over mm to cm scales. This will eliminate potential SEM X-ray intensity variation artifacts associated with low magnification mapping and thus enhance elemental and mineralogical information in a timely manner that was previously not possible.  The Rapid Stage also operates in conjunction with the micro-XRF.  We present examples that clearly highlight analytical issues and how the Rapid Stage can resolve them. We will conclude with a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

Who Should Attend?

  • Everyone dealing with an application where a large overview or analysis of a sample is needed
  • Researchers from industry and academia who investigate geological samples
Rapid Stage with sample ready for analysis
Rapid Stage inside the SEM chamber

Stephan Boehm

Product Manager micro-XRF on SEM and WDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Michael Abratis

Sr. Application Scientist, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Andrew Menzies

Senior Application Scientist - Geology and Mining, Bruker Nano Analytics

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