Bruker FM Technology: MIR-FIR/THz Spectroscopy in One Step
Bruker FM Technology: MIR-FIR/THz Spectroscopy in One Step
Bruker FM Technology:

MIR-FIR/THz Spectroscopy in One Step

Bruker FM Technology

MIR-FIR/THz Spectroscopy in One Step

The extension of the mid IR towards the far IR spectral range below 400 cm-1 is of general interest for molecular vibrational analysis for various application fields and industry branches. Till now, to extend the spectral range, one or more additional far IR beamsplitters and detectors are required and the user has to manually open the spectrometer optics bench.

The unique Bruker FM technology for VERTEX 70v and INVENIO FT-IR research spectrometers which combines the wide spectral range beamsplitter, the wide range DTGS detector and the standard IR source to cover the spectral range from 6000 cm-1 down to 50 cm-1 (for INVENIO from 6000 cm-1 down to 80 cm-1) in one single scan for all types of transmittance, reflectance and ATR measurements.


 Additional Values of Bruker FM

  • Full mid and far IR spectrum in one go
  • Enormous time saving due to just one single measurement
  • Acquisition of the complete molecular vibrational spectral information
  • No break of purge or vacuum conditions for optical component exchange
  • No danger of touching or damaging expensive and sensitive optical components
  • No need for complex and demanding exchange devices
  • All optical components are insensitive to humidity

 Main Application Fields of Bruker FM


  • Inorganic and organometallic chemistry
  • Semiconductor development and research
  • Studies on polymer filler material and color pigments
  • Geological and rock analysis (mining)
  • Pharmaceutical fillers and active agent measurements
  • Polymorphs differentiation
  • Crystallinity identification
  • Product and material comparison
  • Low temperature matrix isolation spectroscopy

Read summary about Far and Mid IR Spectral Range Spectroscopy
in One Step AN M118.

Polymer Filler Material

Analysis of Polymer Fillers and Colored Pigments


  • Only one measurement per sample for the complete MIR-FIR/THz spectral range
  • Additional information of the inorganic filler materials in polymers
  • Simple polymer identification by using the dedicated FIR-MIR library

Polymeric materials have been widely used in various industry branches and daily life. Most of the polymeric materials are blended with further additives and filler materials to optimize the properties of the pure polymer matrix.

For the complete characterization of these composite materials not only the mid IR but also the far IR spectral range is of interest. The mid IR region (4000 cm-1 – 400 cm-1) offers valuable information about the composition and structure of organic compounds. In contrast, the FIR/THz region (below 400 cm-1) provides important information about lattice vibrations and vibrations of functional groups containing heavy atoms in inorganic ionic compounds.

Only the combined investigation in the far and mid infrared spectral range provides the optimum solution for the complete characterization of the modern polymeric materials. The unique Bruker FM technology for the VERTEX 70v and the INVENIO FT-IR spectrometers covering the entire MIR-FIR/THz spectral range from 6000 cm-1 to 50 cm-1 (for INVENIO 6000 cm-1 to 80 cm-1) in one single scan is the ideal tool for this application.

Identification of the filler materials (two examples):

Polystyrene filled with titanium oxide.


Read summary about Identification of Inorganic Filler Materials in Polymers by Combined FIR-MIR ATR Studies AN M123.

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer filled with antimony trioxide.
Polymorph Differentiation

Identification of Sample Crystallinity

The same chemical compound can exist in different solid forms like crystals, solvates, desolvated solvates or amorphous solids. The diverse polymorphic forms exhibit different physical properties, such as solubility, melting point, particle size, dissolution rate and hygroscopicity, which are relevant to the bioavailability of the compounds. Therefore, the differentiation and characterization of polymorphs becomes more and more routine for pharmaceutical companies. The unique Bruker FM technology offers the measurement of the complete FIR-MIR spectral range in one step and allows for simultaneous identification and polymorph screening of samples.

  • MIR region covering fundamental molecular vibrations for the identification of the substance
  • FIR region covering back bone vibrations of larger molecules and intermolecular vibrations in crystal lattices
  • The whole informative spectral range MIR-FIR/THz can be covered in one single measurement.

Example Application

Spectra of different antibiotic sulfathiazole polymorphs.

Read summary about Bruker FM Wide Range FIR-MIR Spectroscopy AN M127.

Inorganic Minerals

Geology and Metal Organic Chemistry

 The FIR/THz spectral region plays a very important role for the study of inorganic substances which involve vibrations of heavier atoms, since many of their characteristic bands lies below 400 cm-1. Using Bruker FM technology for the VERTEX 70v and INVENIO FT-IR research spectrometers high quality far IR spectra can be obtained simultaneously with standard MIR spectra without the need of changing any optical components.

An Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) accessory greatly simplifies the sample preparation in comparison to the traditional polyethylene discs and Nujol mulls in the transmission measurement mode. Bruker’s Platinum ATR accessory with diamond ATR crystal is ideal for the operation in the far IR because of its all reflective optics.

However, ATR spectra show differences in band intensity and position compared to spectra recorded in transmission mode. In the far IR region and with inorganic samples with higher refractive index the phenomena can be more obvious. The OPUS FT-IR software contains an advanced ATR correction function, which enables the comparison of FIR ATR results with reference transmission spectra in the literature.

Example Application

CaCO3 FIR ATR measurement.

Read summary about Carbonate Minerals and Other Samples Studied by Far IR ATR Spectroscopy AN M122.


First Mid and Far IR/Terahertz Spectral Library

  • Full FIR-MIR spectra, spectral range 4000-30 cm-1
  • Compound information included
  • Ideal for study of filled polymer composites
  • Use of single crystal ATR technique

Together with the unique Bruker FM technology for VERTEX 70v and INVENIO research spectrometers, a smart Bruker FM ATR library for the complete mid and far IR spectral range has been announced. It greatly simplifies the spectral search and identification process, especially in the FIR/THz region. This library is the first of its kind to extend the lower limit of available spectral range from 400 cm-1 down to 30 cm-1. Combining the Bruker FM technology and the new FM ATR library, your own individual MIR-FIR ATR library including the whole MIR-FIR/THz spectral range can be created for dedicated product or compound classes.

Example Application

Search example of Styrene Butadiene copolymer (SB) containing calcium carbonatte.

Read summary about Bruker FM ATR Library PN S39.