The most powerful and accurate XRD solution to perfectly match the requirements of research, development and quality control in industry and academia.

XRD beyond expectations

< 0.007° 2Ɵ
Accuracy in peak positions
The D8 DISCOVER Plus comes with a unique alignment guarantee over the entire angular range based on the NIST standard reference material SRM 1976.
160° 2Ɵ
In-Plane Diffraction at its Best
Bruker’s Non-Coplanar Arm allows for In-plane Diffraction measurements with unrivalled angular range and accuracy.
6 kW/mm²
Highest Brightness X-ray source in XRD
The TXS-HE delivers an X-ray focus with 6kW / mm² making it the ultimate choice for both – line and spot – focus applications.
Only Bruker offers a standard alignment guarantee for position, response and resolution.
Bruker’s unique alignment guarantee

D8 DISCOVER Plus - Watch the video

Versatility - X-ray Diffraction - Performance

The D8 DISCOVER Plus is the most powerful and versatile X-ray diffractometer on the market.
Core is the high-accuracy ATLAS goniometer that hosts the high-efficiency Turbo X-ray source (TXS-HE) and the market-leading Non-Coplanar Arm.
It is designed for the structural characterization of the full range of materials from powders, amorphous and polycrystalline materials to epitaxial multi-layered thin films at ambient and non-ambient conditions.


  • Phase Identification and quantification, structure determination and refinement, Micro strain and crystallite size analysis,
  • X-Ray reflectometry, Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID), In-Plane Diffraction, High-resolution XRD, GISAXS, GI-Stress analysis, crystal orientation analysis
  • Residual Stress analysis, Texture and pole figures, micro X-ray Diffraction, Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS),
  • Total scattering analysis: Bragg Diffraction, Pair-Distribution Function (PDF), Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS)

Key Features

D8 DISCOVER Plus Features

Non-Coplanar Arm

The D8 DISCOVER Plus can be equipped with the Non-Coplanar Arm to perform In-Plane diffraction measurements with unrivalled performance.

  • Accessible 2θ range of up to 160° for unrivalled accuracy in d-spacing determination.
  • Unmatched accuracy with direct angular encoder.
  • Dedicated beam path components increase the measured intensities to obtain signals even from ultra thin polycrystalline films.
  • Seamless integration in DIFFRAC.SUITE software and in DIFFRAC.DAVINCI for maximized efficiency.  
D8 DISCOVER Plus Features

ATLAS™ Goniometer

In X-ray diffraction the base for an accurate sample analysis is the goniometer and the precise orientation of the mounted components particularly while measuring. The ATLAS goniometer exactly meets these requirements by design and sets the benchmark for angular and spatial accuracy:

  • Robust and maintenance-free goniometer
  • High-precision stepper motors with high resolution optical encoders
  • Precise and software monitored interfaces for mounting components

The D8 DISCOVER Plus equipped with the ATLAS goniometer comes with a Bruker AXS generic alignment guarantee: the angular deviation ∆2Theta of measured and certified peak positions 2Theta is ≤0.007°. This is verified by measuring the NIST certified standard SRM1976 with each individual instrument.

D8 DISCOVER Plus Features

TXS-HE X-ray Source

Whether the key measure of an analytical X-ray tool is data quality, defined as signal-to-noise or signal-to-background, or sample throughput, one constant is that a more of signal is always an advantage.

The High Efficiency Turbo X-ray Source (TXS-HE) has been designed to boost signal while minimizing maintenance associated with rotating anode technology.

  • Up to 5 times the intensity of an industrial sealed tube
  • Line focus setup with unsurpassed focal spot brightness of 6 kW/mm2
  • Ideal coupling with optics for maximum intensity
  • Reduced beam path length to minimize air scatter  

Beyond Premium Class Diffraction

D8 DISCOVER Plus Applications

Thin Film Analysis

Coplanar Diffraction
In a coplanar experiment, the source and detector increase their angle relative to the sample surface resulting in a probing direction into the sample surface.

  • Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID) for surface sensitive identification of crystalline phases and determination of their structural properties including crystallite size and strain.
  • X-ray reflectometry (XRR) for the extraction of thicknesses, material densities and interface structures in multi-layer samples – from simple substrates to highly complex superlattice structures.
  • Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (GISAXS)

Non-Coplanar Diffraction
In a non-coplanar experiment, the source and detector angle relative to the sample surface is fixed, with the detector moving in a direction parallel to the sample surface resulting in a probing direction along the sample surface.

  • In-Plane Grazing Incidence Diffraction (IPGID) reduces the penetration depth to nm, allowing surface isolation and increase sensitivity to layers with atomic thicknesses.
  • Polycrystalline IPGID allows the determination of in-plane crystallite size
  • Epitaxial IPGID allows direct determination of in-plane lattice parameters and in-plane orientation.
D8 DISCOVER Plus Applications

Materials Research

The ATLAS goniometer increases both the angular and real space positioning accuracy of analyses allowing large scale measurements from miniature areas of the sample. A new class of diffractometer is realized by combining the symmetric divergence IµS with MONTELPlus and multimode EIGER2 R family of detectors, resulting in beam quality and detection capability similar to that found at beamlines.

  • Grazing Incidence Diffraction (GID) for surface sensitive Identification of crystalline Phases and determination of their structural properties like crystallite size and strain.
  • X-ray reflectometry (XRR) for the extraction of thicknesses, material densities and interface structures in multi-layer samples – from simple substrates to highly complex superlattice structures.
  • High-resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXRD) for the analysis of epitaxial grown sample structures: Layer thickness, strain, relaxation, mosaicity, composition analysis of mixed crystals.
  • Stress and Texture (preferred orientation) analysis
  • Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS)
D8 DISCOVER Plus Applications

Powder Diffraction

Powder Diffraction (XRPD) covers a wide range of applications on samples with a low degree of orientation. The D8 DISCOVER Plus brings XRPD to a new level of precision with the ATLAS goniometer. By improving the accuracy beyond the industry leading D8 goniometer, XRPD analysis on the D8 DISCOVER Plus allows researchers to uncover minor structural details not previously observed. Equipping the D8 DISCOVER Plus with the TXS-HE allows acquisition of XRPD data over 5x faster than a conventional tube system.
Combined with the powerful DIFFRAC.SUITE software the D8 DISCOVER Plus enables the simple execution of PXRD application like:

  • Phase Identification
  • Phase Quantification
  • Structure Solution
  • Pair Distribution Function Analysis (PDF)
  • Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)

D8 DISCOVER Plus Specifications

  Specification Benefit

Easy switch between point and line focus

Available anodes: Cr, Cu, Mo, Ag

Max. Power and filament: up to 3 kW (0,4 x 16 mm²), depending on anode material

Patent: EP 1 923 900 B1

Quick change of the wavelength to perfectly match different applications

Fastest switch between line and point focus for a wider range of applications and better results in shorter time

Iµs Microfocus Source

Power load: up to 50 W, single-phase power

MONTEL and MONTEL Plus optics combining parallel and focusing mirrors.

Beam sizes down to 180 x 180 µm².

Maximum integrated flux 8 x 10⁸ cps at mirror exit.

Beam divergence down to 0,5 mrad

Millimeter sized beam with high brilliance and ultra-low background

Green design with low power consumption, no water consumption and extended life components

Optimize the beam shape and divergence for best results

TXS-HE X-Ray Source

Compact and light design for vertical ATLAS goniometer

Line focus, 0.3x3 mm²

Focal Brigthness of 6 kW/mm²

Anode materials: Cu, Co, Cr, Mo

Max. voltage 50 kV, max. power depending on anode material: Cr 3.2 kW, Cu/Mo 5.4 kW, Co 2,8 kW

Pre-Aligned Tungsten filament

High flux X-ray source that allows for horizontal sample mounting.

Up to 5 times more intensity compared to standard ceramic X-ray sources.

Perfectly suited for line and spot focus applications

Pre-Aligned filament allow fast filament exchange with a minimum of re-alignment requirement.

TRIO Optics

Software push-button switch between:

Motorized Divergence Slit (Bragg-Brentano)

High Intensity Ka1,2 Parallel Beam

High Resolution Ka1 Parallel Beam

Patents: US10429326, US6665372, US7983389

Fully automatic, motorized switching between up to 6 different beam geometries without any manual  user intervention

Perfectly suited for all sample types including powders, bulk materials, fibers, sheets and thin-films (amorphous, polycrystalline and epitaxial)

High-Resolution Monochromators

Ge(220) and Ge(004) reflections in symmetric and asymmetric geometry

2-bounce and 4-bounce (Bartels type) monochromators

Alignment-free mounting through SNAP.LOCK technology

Broad choice for best resolution vs. intensity balancing to obtain best possible results.

Fast exchange of monochromators to optimize to different samples

ATLAS™ Goniometer

Vertical goniometer with enforced mechanics designed to host TXS-HE X-ray source

Industry leading angular accuracy : ±0.007° 2θ guaranteed over the entire angular range determined on NIST SRM 1976

Seamless integration of D8 family of components, including optics, positioning cameras, sample stage, nonambient and detector technologies

Unparalleled accuracy and precision as manifested by Bruker's unique alignment guarantee

Absolutely maintenance free drive mechanism / gearings with lifetime lubrication

Supports the full range of applications to generate highest accuracy data

Non-Coplanar Arm

Third goniometer axis for investigating ultra-thin layers and in-plane sample properties:

Min. step size: 0.001°

Max. 2θ range (depending on the configuration): 160°

Automated detector distance detection


Unmatched accuracy with direct angular encoder

Seamless integration in DIFFRAC.SUITE software

Up to 160° 2θ range for most accurate Non-Coplanar structure determination

Real-time calibration for EIGER2 detector

Compact UMC Stages

Compact UMC Plus 80:

Fast spinner for XRPD

Max. (x,y) translation: +/- 40 mm

Max. sample height: 57 mm


Compact UMC Plus 150:

Max. (x,y) translation: +/- 75 mm

Max. sample height: 57 mm

Vacuum and electric feedthroughs for wafer chuck and tilt stages

Seamless switching between Thin Film research and Powder diffraction mode

5 position sample changer for 51 mm sample diameter

9 position sample changer for 32 mm sample diameter

Mapping of 2-4” wafers


Mapping of 6-8” wafers

Reflection mode 96 well plate capability

Allows for infinite Phi rotation with connected Tilt-stage and vacuum without a need to care for cables or vacuum pipe.

Centric Eulerian Cradle (CEC)

Five degrees of freedom sample stage:

x,y for sample translation of +/-40 mm

z-Drive for height alignment

Phi drive with 360° rotation freedom.

Psi drive and angular range from -11° to 98°

Max. weight load: 1 kg

Various stage attachment available.

Stress and Texture measurements in side-inclination mode for more accurate results.

Automated mapping capability in (x,y).

Motorized tilt-stage for precise surface alignment.

Powder- or capillary spinners allow for powder diffraction.

Bayonet sample stage holder for fast and reproducible swapping with other stages.

Pathfinder Plus Optics

Software push-button switch between:

Motorized Slit

2-bounce Ge Analyzer

Automated absorber integrated

Fully automatic, motorized switching between two different optics without any manual user intervention.

Maintains full field of view of LYNXEYE detectors.

Absorber ensures linearity in measured data


Energy Resolution: < 380 eV @ 8 KeV

Detection Modes: 0D,1D, 2D

Wavelengths: Cr, Co, Cu, Mo and Ag

Patents: EP1647840, EP1510811, US20200033275

No need for Kß filters and secondary monochromators

100% filtering of Fe-fluorescense with Cu radiation

Up to 450 times faster than conventional detector systems

Bragg2D: Collect 2D data with a divergent primary line beam

Unique detector warranty: No defective channels at delivery time

EIGER2 The latest generation multi-mode (0D/1D/2D) detector based on the Hybrid Photon Counting technology, developed by Dectris Ltd.

Seamless integration of 0D, 1D and 2D detection in step, continuous and advanced scanning modes

Ergonomic, alignment-free detector rotation to optimize γ or 2Θ angular coverage

Panoramic, tool-free diffracted beam optics using the complete detector field of view

Continuously variable detector positioning to balance angular coverage and resolution


Temperature: Ranging from ~12 K up to ~2500 K

Pressure: 10-⁴ mbar up to 100 bar

Humidity: 5% to 95% RH

Investigations under ambient and non-ambient conditions

Easily exchanged stages with DIFFRAC.DAVINCI

XRD Components

Bruker XRD solutions consist of high performance components configured to meet the analytical requirements. The modular design is the key to configure the best instrumentation.

All categories of components are part of Bruker’s key competence, developed and manufactured by Bruker AXS, or in close cooperation with third party vendors.

Bruker XRD components are available for upgrading the installed X-ray systems for improving their performance.

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