
Atomic Force Microscopy Training

In-person and virtual courses on subjects ranging from AFM theory and operational basics to advanced trainings on key modes of operation

Learn from Bruker's AFM Experts

Join our AFM technical and applications experts for in-person and online courses in our Customer Support Centers around the globe. You will learn about AFM theory, practical applications, operational tips and tricks for a number of AFM techniques, including photothermal AFM-IR. Each course has a specialized focus or mode of operation. Most in-person classes include both theory sessions and lab sessions and span from a day long to several days. In the lab sessions, attendees can practice each technique on Bruker AFMs in our demonstration facilities and are invited to use their own samples. Upon request, students may also stay an extra day to have more hands-on time in the lab.

While there is a charge for the courses, customers with Complete Care or Access Care service contracts are eligible to attend free of charge. Others under service contract should contact for information about available discounts. 

Upcoming Courses

2024 AFM Training Schedule

Course Title/Topic Country Language Type Date Learn More & Register
AFM Image Quality and PeakForce QNM™ Course US - East Coast English In-Person May 14-16, 2024 More Information
AFM Electrical Measurements Course US - West Coast English In-Person July 16-18, 2024 More Information
AFM Biological Applications Course US - East Coast English In-Person Sept. 17-19, 2024 More Information
Combining AFM with Nanoscale IR Course US - West Coast English In-Person Nov. 12-14, 2024 More Information
NanoIR3 Training Module N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
AFM Imaging in Liquid N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
QNM - Quantitative Nano Mechanics N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
PFM Measurements N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
PFTUNA - Conductive AFM Measurements N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
Dimension Icon Basics and PeakForce QNM™ N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
Dimension Icon Basics and PeakForce QNM™ N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
Formation sur site Palaiseau- ICON basic + QNM™ N/A N/A N/A N/A See Course Catalog
Billerica, MA, USA | In-Person

AFM Image Quality and PeakForce QNM™ Course

In this class, we will talk about image quality and PeakForceTM Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping (QNM).

  • Day 1: Image Quality will cover in-depth theory of contact mode, TappingMode, and PeakForce Tapping with ScanAsyst, along with a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of each mode. This session will include instruction on how to optimize the AFM scanning parameters to improve image quality. This session will discuss common imaging artifacts; how to recognize artifacts and prevent them.
  • Day 2: PeakForce QNM and PeakForce QNM High Accuracy will discuss the theory, procedure, and offline analysis of force curves, including various contact mechanics theories for material modulus measurement with AFM. This session also includes PeakForce QNM theory, detailed quanitative nanomechanical mapping calibration procedures, and techniques for improving PeakForce QNM accuracy.
  • Day 3: Imaging in Fluid and PeakForce QNM in Fluid will talk about how to setup typical fluid experiments, and how to calibrate PeakForce QNM parameters in fluid. 
  • Optional: Upon request, you may also stay on Friday to have more hands-on practice.

Cost: $1500/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers.*
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Date: May 14-16, 2024
Location: Billerica, MA, USA
Cost: $1500/person*

**Registration Closed**

Santa Barbara, CA, USA | In-Person

AFM Electrical Measurements Course

During this 3-day course you can improve your skillset and understanding of common electrical modes used on Bruker AFMs. This training will focus on using the Icon AFM for practical work, but the principals and software operation are the same as for electrical measurements using Brukers Multimode AFM.

This class is focused on electrical property measurements of materials using atomic force microscopy.

  • Day 1: Tunneling Current AFM (TUNA) and Piezo Response Force Microscopy (PFM)
  • Day 2: Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)
  • Day 3: Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (continued)

Four different techniques will be discussed: Tunneling Current AFM (TUNA), Piezo Response Force Microscopy (PFM), Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM), and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM). TUNA can measure material’s electrical conductivity with wide range of current from fA-uA. PFM is used to study piezo material on nanoscale. SCM is one of the primary techniques for doping profile mapping in semiconductor industry. KPFM measures material work function as well as surface charge.


Cost: $1500/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers.*
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Conditions: Application deadline closes 3 weeks (15 working days) before the training is scheduled to begin. The maximum number of participants is limited to 8. When more than this register, we will aim to schedule another training event in the future; if fewer than 3 people register, the course will be cancelled.

Date: July 16-18, 2024
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Language: English
Cost: $1500/person*

**Registration Closed**

Billerica, MA, USA | In-Person

AFM Biological Applications Course

During this training you can improve your skillset and understanding of AFM measurements for biological applications on Bruker AFMs.

  • Day 1: DNA Imaging
  • Day 2: Cell Imaging
  • Day 3: Mechanical Property Measurement
  • Optional: Upon request, you may also stay on Friday to have more hands-on practice.


Cost: $1500/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers.*
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Date: September 17-19, 2024
Location: Billerica, MA, USA
Cost: $1500/person*

Santa Barbara, CA, USA | In-Person

Combining AFM with Nanoscale IR Course

Bruker’s IconIR and nanoIR systems combine nanoscale IR spectroscopy and AFM onto one platform to deliver the most advanced spectroscopy and property mapping capabilities to both academic and industrial users. In this class, we will focus on understanding the AFM-IR theory and operations. We will discuss how to detect IR absorption using the AFM technique, how to set up AFM-IR detection parameters and how to optimize signals for collecting IR spectra and chemical images.

The class includes both theory sessions and lab sessions. In the lab sessions, students can practice each technique on Bruker’s latest Dimension IconIR and nanoIR3 systems. During this training you can improve your skillset and understanding of AFM-IR measurements on Bruker AFMs.

  • Day 1: Contact AFM-IR
  • Day 2: Tapping AFM-IR
  • Day 3: s-SNOM (on NanoIR3) and Surface Sensitive Mode
  • Optional: Upon request, you may also stay on Friday to have more hands-on practice.


Cost: $1500/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers.*
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Date: November 12-14, 2024
Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Cost: $1500/person*

(*) Two free seats for Complete Care service contract customers and one free seat for Access Care service contract customers. Bruker also offers discounts to actively enrolled students or additional seats for service contract customers.

(**) Two free seats for Complete Care service contract customers.

(***) One free seat for standard care customers. Two free seats for complete care customers.

Past Courses

AFM Training Course Catalog

AFM Imaging in Liquid

AFM Imaging in Liquid

During this 2-hour online training you can improve your skillset and understanding of AFM measurements in liquid using Bruker AFMs.

Bruker AFM experts will discuss and demonstrate best practices for conducting AFM measurements in liquid and how to resolve and avoid common problems faced during these measurements. Course attendees will have the opportunity to participate in real-time Q&A with a Bruker AFM trainer following the demonstrations.

This training will primarily use the Dimension Icon AFM for demonstrations, but the principals and software operation are the same or similar for Multimode, Resolve, Edge and Innova AFMs. 



  • Open for registration to Standard Care and Complete Care contract owners of Bruker AFMs
  • Customers not under contract, registration fee: £500

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

Dimension Icon Basics and PeakForce QNM™

Dimension Icon Basics and PeakForce QNM™

During this modular 2-day course you can improve your skillset on the Bruker Dimension Icon system. If you are new to the system or need a refresher, you can choose to participate in one or both days, depending on your personal requirements.

The course covers basic software usage, probe selection, probe installation, laser alignment, standard experiments in contact, tapping and ScanAsyst mode on the first day. A brief look into the analysis functions is also scheduled for day one. On the second day there will be an introduction to force measurements using PFQNM. The course will be held in Coventry, UK. The language will be English.

Day 1:

  • Introduction to AFM
  • Dimension Icon Measurement set up
  • Nanoscope software
  • Contact, Tapping and ScanAsyst mode (pros and cons), standard settings, parameter explanation
  • Basic Analysis functions

Day 2:

  • PFQNM theory
  • QNM on test sample using absolute method
  • QNM on test sample using relative method
  • High accuracy QNM using pre calibrated, controlled tip radius probes


Cost: Standard fee is £1850/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers**
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Conditions: Application deadline closes 3 weeks (15 working days) before the training is scheduled to begin. The maximum number of participants is limited to 8. When more than this register, we will aim to schedule another training event in the future; if fewer than 3 people register, the course will be cancelled.

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

Formation sur site Palaiseau- ICON basic + QNM™
Palaiseau, FR | In-Person

Formation sur site Palaiseau - ICON basic + QNM

Le but de cette formation permettra d’améliorer vos connaissance sur l’ICON ou de faire un rappel.

Le premier sera destine au montage de la pointe, l’alignement du laser, les modes standard Contact, Tapping et PeakForce Tapping, et les function basic du Nanoscope Analysis.

Le deuxiéme jour permettra de couvrir le mode liquide et s’accompagnera d’une session pratique avec mesures sur vos échantillons !

La formation sera en français.

Jour 1:

  • Introduction de l’AFM
  • Présentation de l’ICON
  • Mode Contact, Tapping and ScanAsyst mode, explication des paramètres standards

Jour 2:

  • Mesure en mode liquide
  • Session pratique avec mesure sur vos échantillons


Cost: Le tarif standard est de 1800€. Une place gratuite pour les clients ayant un programme Access care et 2 places pour ceux ayant un Complete care. Une remise est disponible pour les clients ayant in contrat Essential care.

Conditions: Déjeuner inclus. La date limite d'inscription est fixée à 1 semaine (7 jours ouvrables) avant le début de la formation. Le nombre maximum de participants est limité à 8. Au cas où nous aurions plus d’inscrits que de places disponibles, nous nous efforcerons à programmer une autre formation. Si moins de 3 personnes s'inscrivent, la formation sera annulée.

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

NanoIR3 Training Module

nanoIR3 Training Module

If you are new to the system or need a refresher, during this 2-day course you can improve your skillset on the Anasys nanoIR3 system for nanoscale infrared spectroscopy.

Day 1:

  • Basic software usage
  • Probe installation
  • Laser alignment
  • Standard experiments in Resonance Enhanced AFM-IR and Tapping AFM-IR with TnIR-A probes
  • A brief look into the analysis functions

Day 2:

  • Optimizing of IR hot spots
  • how to optimize scan conditions to improve the AFM-IR signal
  • Alternative measurement modes for Tapping AFM-IR with TnIR-D probes as well as our patented Surface Sensitive AFM-IR mode

If time allows, additional topics can be covered on request.

The course will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany. The language will be English.


Cost: Standard fee is €1850/person. Free and discounted seats available to some service contract customers***
Daily lunches provided. Individuals are responsible for their own transportation and lodging.

Conditions: Application deadline closes 3 weeks (15 working days) before the training is scheduled to begin. The maximum number of participants is limited to 6. When more than this register, we will aim to schedule another training event in the future; if fewer than 3 people register, the course will be cancelled.

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

PFM Measurements

PFM Measurements

During this online training you can improve your skillset and understanding of Piezo Force Microscopy (PFM) mode and its use for measuring a materials piezo response at the nano metre scale. This training will focus on using the Icon AFM for demonstrations, but PFM is possible on a number of Bruker AFMs.

The demonstrations will cover PFM showing: measurements setup, sample + probe considerations, PFM scanning, voltage rampls, point+shoot. With an opportunity for Q&A afterwards.

Estimated duration: 2 hours



  • Open for registration to Standard Care and Complete Care contract owners of Bruker AFMs
  • Customers not under contract, registration fee: £500

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

PFTUNA - Conductive AFM Measurements

PeakForce TUNA™ - Conductive AFM Measurements

During this online training you can improve your skillset and understanding of Bruker's PeakForce TUNA mode for conductive AFM measurements. This training will focus on using the Icon AFM for demonstrations, but the principals and software operation are the same as for electrical measurements using Bruker's MultiMode AFM and similar for Resolve, Edge and Innova AFMs.

The demonstrations will cover conductive AFM with PeakForce TUNA showing: measurement setup, sample + probe considerations, TUNA scanning, IV curves, point+shoot, DATACube. With an opportunity for Q&A afterwards.

Estimated duration: 2 hours



  • Open for registration to Standard Care and Complete Care contract owners of Bruker AFMs
  • Customers not under contract, registration fee: £500

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

QNM - Quantitative Nano Mechanics

QNM - Quantitative Nanomechanics

During this online training you can improve your skillset and understanding of Brukers QNM mode. This training will focus on using the Icon AFM for demonstrations, but the principals and software operation are and the same for Multimode and Resolve AFMs.

The demonstrations will cover PFQNM measurements; QNM on test sample using absolute method, QNM on test sample using relative method and high accuracy QNM using pre calibrated, controlled tip radius probes.

Estimated duration: 3 hours



  • Open for registration to Standard Care and Complete Care contract owners of Bruker AFMs
  • Customers not under contract, registration fee: £500

This course has passed and is typically held only once per year. Would you like this course to be offered again, sooner? Let us know!

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Register for an Upcoming Course

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You can email us with more information at


If you would like to connect with a Bruker representative immediately, here are our regional offices:

Asia: +65 6540 4388
China: +86 10 5833 3000
Europe: +33 172 86 61 00
Japan: +81 3 3523-6361
North America: +1 805-967-1400