
Conferences & Tradeshows

PANIC 2023

March 12 - 15 2023, Nashville, Tennessee

Bruker at PANIC 2023

Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference is truly a unique experience! A superior educational event for industrial, regulatory, government, and academic scientists seeking to learn about and discuss applications of NMR to pharmaceuticals, polymers, petroleum, food/agriculture, and plant production that are rarely discussed at other NMR meetings. The Bruker Team is excited to participate in this year's PANIC, March 12-15, 2023.

The Bruker Sales and Applications Scientists will be on hand to discuss your NMR needs and to learn what the NMR community has been up to in the past year.

Bruker's User Meeting:

Date: Sunday, March 12, 2023
: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
: Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University
: Parthenon Ballroom

Register for Bruker's User Meeting at PANIC 2023

Luncheon, Sponsored by Bruker Corporation:

Integration of Benchtop NMR in PAT Orchestrations for Process Optimization and Intelligent Production on Demand

Date: Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Time: 11:35 AM - 12:50 PM
Location: Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University
Room: Parthenon Ballroom
Speaker: Anna Codina, Bruker Corporation
No registration needed!

Please also visit the official conference website for more details.

Agenda Bruker's User Meeting

Time Topic Speaker
16:00 Introduction and Welcome  
16:05 Direct Detect 13C Spectra for Peptide Backbone Assignment Markus Voehler, Vanderbilt University
16:30 Novel Benchtop NMR Industry and Food Solutions Eduardo Nascimento, Bruker BioSpin
16:50 Characterizing Biologics, and Novel Materials by NMR Anuji Abraham, BMS
17:15 Applications of ssNMR to Pharmaceutical Industry Amy Freund, Bruker BioSpin
17:35 Removal of 2H-decoupling sidebands in 13CHD2 13C-CEST profiles Youlin Xia, ST Jude
18:00 Close  

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Thank you for registering for Bruker's User Meeting at PANIC 2023

Thank you for registering for Bruker's User Meeting at PANIC 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there and stay tuned for further information.


Warm Regards,

Your Bruker Team