Atomic Force Microscopy Applications

Electrical, Magnetic, and Thermal Measurements

Understand the relationship between surface morphology, topography, and material functionality

Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

QI™-EFM on NIPAM Particles

Electrostatic force microscopy (QI™-EFM) on NIPAM particles on silicon. 3D ForceCube™ images collected with NanoWizard NanoScience, calculated at different distances between tip and sample. Scan size: 4.5 μm × 4.5 μm.

  • Top: Height image (z-range: 90 nm)
  • Bottom left: Overlay of electrostatic force signal (color texture range: 15 mV) and 3D topography
  • Bottom right: 3D ForceCube™ images

Sample courtesy of:
Prof. R. von Klitzing
TU-Berlin, Germany.

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) on SRAM

Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM, one-pass) on SRAM (Core I5 processor, Intel). Imaged with NanoWizard NanoScience.

  • Left: Height image
  • Right: Overlay of electrostatic force signal and 3D topography (scan size: 1.4 μm × 1.4 μm; color texture range: 30 mV)


Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (CAFM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

QI™-CAFM on Battery Electrode

Conductive atomic force microscopy (QI™-CAFM) on battery electrode. Scan size: 4.5 μm × 4.5 μm. Images collected with NanoWizard NanoScience.

  • Top: 3D height image (z-range: 1 μm)
  • Bottom Left: Adhesion image (range: 10 N/m)
  • Bottom Right: Current image (range: 160 nA)

Sample courtesy of:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Kwade
TU Braunschweig, Germany.

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

CAFM on CU Conduct Layer

Conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM-QI™) on CU conduct layer (Core I5 processor, Intel). Scan size: 1.4 μm × 1.4 μm. Images collected with NanoWizard NanoScience.

  • Left: Height image (z-range: 10 nm)
  • Right: Current image (range: 15 nA)


Imaged with NanoWizard® Sense AFM

Conductive AFM of a Graphite-Clay Blend

Conductivity landscape and height image of a graphite-clay blend. Images collected with NanoWizard Sense.

  • Left: CAFM image (scan field 2.5 µm x 2.5 µm; range from 0 to 20.41 nA)
  • Right: Height image (scan field 2.5 µm x 2.5 µm; z-range: 36.45 nm)


Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

QI™-KPM on an Interdigitated Electrode

Kelvin Probe Microscopy (QI™-KPM) on an interdigitated electrode. Data collected with NanoWizard NanoScience.

3D height image is overlaid with surface potential information. The raised electrodes (100 nm thick) are interdigitated in pairs, the separation between topography and potential is clear. Scan size: 15 μm × 15 μm, color texture range: 750 mV.

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

KPM on an Interdigitated Electrode

Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPM) on an interdigitated electrode. Data collected with NanoWizard NanoScience.

The height image is displayed as 3D topography with the added color to indicate measured surface potential. The raised electrodes (100nm thick) are interdigitated in pairs, the separation between topography and potential is clearly visible. Scan size: 21 µm x 21 µm.

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM


Kevin Probe Microscopy (KPM, one-pass FM) on SRAM (Core I5 processor, Intel). Scan size: 4.5 μm × 4.5 μm. Imaged with NanoWizard NanoScience.

  • Top: Surface potential (range: 50 mV)
  • Bottom left: Height image (z-range: 10 nm)
  • Bottom right: Overlay of 3D topography and surface potential


Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

MFM on NiFe Square Structure

NanoWizard NanoScience overlay of magnetic force information and 3d height image on NiFe square structure. Magnetic domains and Landau pattern are clearly visible. Scan size 8 μm × 8 μm.

Sample courtesy of:
Dr. Katrin Schultheiss, Institute of Ion beam Physics and Materials Research
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

MFM Images of Six Rectangular Magnetic Structures

NanoWizard NanoScience topography and phase (MFM with magnetic cantilever) images of rectangular magnetic structures on NiFe. Magnetic domains and Landau pattern are clearly visible. Scan region 20 µm x 20 µm; z-length: 60 nm.

  • Left: Height image
  • Right: 3D topography image overlaid with phase information

Sample courtesy of:
Philipp Pirro
TU Kaiserslautern

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

MFM on Hard Drive

Magnetic Force Microscopy image (MFM) of a hard drive section. The bit structure of the hard disk (magnetic domains) can be observed. Scan size 3 µm x 3 µm. Imaged on the NanoWizard NanoScience AFM.

  • Left: Height image
  • Right: Magnetic force signal

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

Domain Visualization in Lithium Niobate Crystal (PFM)

Piezo-response phase, height, and amplitude images of lithium niobate crystal. Scan field: 21 µm x 24 µm. Images collected with NanoWizard NanoScience.

  • Top left: Piezoresponse phase image
  • Top right: Height image
  • Bottom left: Amplitude image lateral
  • Bottom right: Amplitude image vertical


Imaged with NanoWizard® Sense AFM

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy of a Ferroelectric Copolymer

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) of a ferroelectric copolymer (P(VDF-TrFE)). A sequence of voltage pulses (+/-20 V range) was generated from a bitmap to write the pattern into the piezoelectric polarization of the sample. Imaged with NanoWizard Sense.


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

STM of Arachidic Acid Molecules

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy image (STM, current) of arachidic acid molecules on HOPG collected with NanoWizard NanoScience. Scan size: 25 nm × 25 nm; current range: 0.8 nA; bias: 0.3 V.


Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM)

Imaged with NanoWizard® NanoScience AFM

Scanning Thermal Microscopy

Scanning thermal microscopy measurement with VertiSense™ module on AppNano thermal test sample. Images collected with NanoWizard NanoScience in QI™ mode with VertiSense™ Probes. Scan size: 20 μm × 20 μm

  • Top: Height image (z-range: 600 nm)
  • Bottom left: Adhesion image (range: 9.5 nN)
  • Bottom right: Temperature information (range: 55°C)