
nmr 임상 연구 솔루션

완전히 표준화되고 자동화된 핵자기공명(NMR) 대사 프로파일링 플랫폼으로, 효과적인 임상 대사체학 연구 및 관련 시험법 개발(연구 용도로 한정)이 가능하여 고성능 인체 체액 분석에 이상적이면서 유일무이한 기술 선택지입니다.

누름 버튼으로 스크리닝이 가능한 완전히 표준화되고 자동화된 솔루션인 Bruker Avance IVDr 플랫폼을 사용하면 표준화된 작업절차를 통해 최고 품질의 인체 체액 NMR 데이터와 분석 결과를 생성할 수 있습니다.

Bruker IVDr 플랫폼의 주요 특징:

  • 준비해야 하는 샘플 최소화
  • 비파괴 측정
  • 완전 자동화된 대량 스크리닝
  • 한 샘플에서 다른 샘플로, 한 장비에서 다른 장비로 바꿔도 최고의 재현성과 데이터 품질
  • 자동화된 보고를 통해 대규모의 대사물질 세트를 높은 신뢰성으로 정량화 가능
  • 분류 및 구분을 용이하게 해주는 통계 도구와 자동화된 보고 체계


Discovery of small molecules that target RNA. NMR is the method of choice.
April 26, 2023

How To Evolve Your Biobank Business Model

In achieving research growth, today’s Biobanks face ever increasing challenges in the form of more precise and consistent quality control, the need for training and streamlining of operations to produce that quality control, and the need for new revenue streams to support these enhanced operations.
NMR International COVID-19 Research Network at Work
Jul 7, 2021

NMR | COVID-19 | Research

In the current worldwide COVID-19 pandemic situation, fast developments not only in vaccines are needed, but also in analytical techniques to detect the infection, predict outcomes during hospitalization and more and more important towards Long COVID.

New insight into dietary behaviour using NMR profiling

One of the big issues currently faced throughout the world is a rise in non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart
February 12, 2020

NMR-based newborn screening for the detection of congenital metabolopathies (For Research Use Only)

Important Note: The methods and solutions discussed during the webinar are for research use only and not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures
August 27, 2020

COVID-19: What’s NMR got to do with it?

We are living through a public health crisis the likes of which has not been seen for generations.
Solve the Identification of Unknown Compound in Body Fluids
July 17, 2019

Spectroscopic Techniques to Solve the Identification of Unknown Compound in Body Fluids (for research use only)

During the statistical analysis of spectroscopic data from bodyfluids (NMR and/or LC-MS) signals of compounds of unknown identity often occur.
October 14, 2020

Urinary NMR Diagnostics for Inborn Errors of Metabolism Using Rule-based Interpretation (For Research Use Only)

Inborn errors of metabolism are rare diseases that often provide a typical pattern of elevated metabolites in biological fluids like urine

Scientific On-Demand Webinars

Get free access to our most successful on-demand webinars grouped by application with just one login in our new digital content experience hub.
From biological Exploration to Clinical Translation: Lipoproteins in Inflammation Response
September 25, 2024

From biological Exploration to Clinical Translation: Lipoproteins in Inflammation Response

Recent studies highlight the importance of glycoproteins and lipoproteins in both acute and chronic inflammation. Notably, inflammation can alter the composition and influence the pro- or anti-inflammatory behaviour of HDL particles.


고급 NMR 기술을 사용하여 대사 프로파일링 및 스크리닝을 수행하는 CIC bioGUNE
ANPC(Australian National Phenome Centre)의 설비
대사체학에서의 NMR - Claudio Luchinat 교수와의 인터뷰
독일 뤼베크(Lübeck) IVDr 실험실 개소
Jeremy Nicholson 교수 - 머독(Murdoch) 대학교
NMR을 통한 IVDr을 주제로 한 독일 그라이프스발트(Greifswald) 대학교 Matthias Nauck 교수와의 인터뷰


Service & Life Cycle Support for Magnetic Resonance and Preclinical Imaging

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory