Nanomechanical Test System

Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter

The world’s most comprehensive nanomechanical testing with unmatched performance

Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter

The Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter achieves remarkable advances in control and throughput capabilities, testing flexibility, applicability, measurement reliability, and system modularity — enabling more and better research than previously possible.

Bruker's next-generation Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter® sets new standards for performance, flexibility, and usability in nanomechanical and nanotribological characterization. A comprehensive advancement of Bruker’s industry-leading TriboIndenter platform, every aspect of TI 990's measurement and analysis process features updated technologies designed to remove the normal limitations of nanoindenter systems. As such, this system features the most measurement modes available and delivers high-precision measurements in the broadest range of laboratory environments.

performance and capabilities
Takes fullest advantage of latest advances in Performech III control, nanoDMA IV testing, and XPM II ultra-high speed property mapping.
modular system
Enables world's largest and most expandable suite of advanced nanomechanical techniques.
measurement control and ease-of-use
Simplifies system setup, operation, and analysis with all-new TriboScan 12 software.

Powerful Base Configuration

Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter base model configuration
  1. Dual piezo scanners for in-situ SPM imaging
  2. High-resolution, color optics
  3. Exclusive low-noise 2D capacitive transducer
  4. Metrology-grade granite framing for test stability
  5. Integrated active anti-vibration system
  6. Performech III controller
  7. Vibration-dampening base with 50x improved noise immunity
  8. Multi-layered environmental isolation enclosure
  9. Top-view sample-chuck imaging
  10. Property mapping with XPM II ultrahigh-speed nanoindentation
  11. Dynamic nanoindentation
  12. Modular enclosure with customizable panels
  13. Universal sample chuck 
  14. High-precision, motorized/automated stage with 60% more testable area


No System Has More Testing Modes

With its enhanced measurement capabilities, increased sample flexibility, easier system setup, and more streamlined operation, TI 990 is an unrivalled characterization solution for a variety of applications.

Whether you need improved accuracy for polymer thin films, increased throughput for combinatorial materials science, or multi-measurement analysis of full 300-mm semiconductor wafers, TI 990 keeps up with your dynamic testing needs.


Obtain force versus displacement curves to quantitatively characterize the mechanical properties of small volumes of material. The combination of the unique capacitive transducer design, tightly controlled calibration standards, and precisely machined probes produces reliable measurements of reduced modulus, hardness, and more on any material.


Understand tribological characteristics or adhesion properties by combining a normal load with lateral displacement of the probe. In addition to force and displacement data collection, TI 990 can incorporate post-scratch in-situ scanning probe microscopy (SPM) imaging of the sample with nanometer resolution for immediate topographic results.


Conduct tribometer-like experiments at the nanoscale by sliding a scratch probe in a reciprocating motion while monitoring force and displacement both normally and laterally. Our two-dimensional capacitive transducer technology enables high-sensitivity friction maps to be acquired as a function of number of cycles, applied normal force, wear depth, and lateral displacement.

In-Situ SPM Imaging

Directly correlate sample topography images with nanomechanical and nanotribological characterization data. The TI 990's nanometer-precision test placement accuracy ensures your image and data are colocalized, enabling both pre- and post-test SPM imaging to avoid surface defects, correlate phases with properties, and analyze deformation behavior.


Quickly map mechanical properties while maintaining high measurement resolution and accuracy. The high-bandwidth electrostatically actuated transducer, fast control and data-acquisition electronics, and top-down in-situ SPM imaging combine to produce quantitative nanomechanical property maps and property distribution statistics in record time.

nanoDMA IV with CMX

Conduct nanoscale dynamic mechanical analysis to examine properties as a function of indentation depth, frequency, and time. Bruker's CMX control algorithms provide a quantitative and truly continuous measurement of mechanical properties, including hardness, storage modulus, loss modulus, complex modulus, and tan delta.

Contact us to discuss your specific application, process needs, and measurement requirements.

Upgrade Options and Add-Ons

Expand TI 990's Capabilities


Contact us for more information about available upgrade options and how TI 990 can be configured to meet your specific measurement needs now and grow with your research going forward.

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