Nanoscale Infrared Spectrometer

Anasys nanoIR3-s

Adds s-SNOM nanoscale electrical and optical characterization

Anasys nanoIR3-s

Bruker's Anasys nanoIR3-s system combines scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) and nanoscale IR spectroscopy (AFM-IR) with an integrated atomic force microscope (AFM), all in a single platform. Building upon the legacy of Anasys technology leadership in AFM-based nano-optical characterization, nanoIR3-s provides nanoscale IR spectroscopy, chemical imaging, and optical property mapping with 10-nanometer spatial resolution demonstrated on 2D material samples. The system also enables AFM topographic imaging and material property mapping with nanometer-scale resolution, making it an ideal instrument for correlative studies across a wide range of material science applications. The nanoIR3-s with broadband option adds the latest OPO/DFG femtosecond laser technology to provide the broadest available spectral range (670 to 4000 cm⁻¹) with high-resolution nanochemical and nano-optical imaging capabilities.

nano-FTIR spectroscopy
Delivers previously unobtainable femtosecond nanoscale infrared research.
s-SNOM and AFM-IR techniques
Enables nanoscale chemical and optical property mapping on a single platform.
options and accessories
Expand nanoscale material property mapping and sample environmental control capabilities.

10nm Spatial Resolution Chemical Imaging and Spectroscopy

Graphene Plasmonics

Graphene Plasmonics: s-SNOM phase and amplitude images of surface plasmon polariton (SPP) on a graphene wedge. (left) s-SNOM phase with a line cross-section of the SPP standing wave; (right) s-SNOM amplitude. Top image is a 3D view of Phase image (left).

High-Resolution Property Mapping

High-Resolution Property Mapping: Cross-section through the graphene flake shows sub 10nm resolution optical property imaging.

High-Performance Nano FTIR Spectroscopy

Ultrafast-broadband scattering SNOM spectroscopy probing molecular vibrational information. Laser interferogram of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) shows coherent molecular vibration in the form of free-induction decay in time domain (top). The highlighted feature in sample interferogram is due to the beating of symmetric and antisymmetric mode of C-F modes in the resulting the frequency domain (bottom left). Monolayer sensitivity of nano-FTIR is demonstrated on a monolayer pNTP (bottom right). Data courtesy of Prof. Markus Raschke, University of Colorado, Boulder, US.

NanoIR3-s provides:

  • High-performance nano FTIR spectroscopy;
  • High-performance IR SNOM spectroscopy with the most advanced nanoIR laser source available;
  • nano FTIR spectroscopy with integrated DFG, continuum based laser source Broadband synchrotron light source integration; and
  • Multi-chip QCL laser source for spectroscopy and chemical imaging.

POINTspectra Technology

POINTspectra lasers enable both spectroscopy and high-resolution optical property mapping across a broad range of wavelengths. With nanoIR3-s it is a simple task to generate correlated data:

  1. Select feature to be measured in the AFM image
  2. Measure spectroscopy of sample and select wavelength of interest
  3. Create high-resolution optical property map
10nm spatial resolution images of amplitude and phase are rapidly measured from interferograms over a range of wavelengths Enables 10nm resolution Tapping AFM-IR for complementary, unique IR spectroscopy.

Broadband Laser Option

Nanoscale FTIR spectroscopy with the broadest available spectral range (670 to 4000 cm⁻¹)

Equipped with optional OPO/DFG femtosecond laser technology, the nanoIR3-s system delivers the broadest spectral range to enable high-performance combined spectroscopy and high-resolution nanochemical imaging. This unique set of capabilities enables research in a broad range of research areas in historically inaccessible spectral regions.

Complementary high-resolution imaging

High-quality, high-resolution nano-optical images can be generated for characterization of a wide range of optical phenomena, such as graphene plamonics and surface phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), and chemical imaging of biological and other organic samples.

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