Oprogramowanie do spektroskopii wibracyjnej OPUS

OPUS: Najnowsza wersja


OPUS Workstation

OPUS 8.8 is the latest release of OPUS, the leading software for measurement, processing and evaluation of IR, NIR and Raman spectra. OPUS is a true 64 Bit software, delivering utmost performance under native 64 Bit operation. Besides many further improvements, OPUS 8.8 includes several new FT-IR, QCL- and Raman microscopy features and beyond that more instruments (MOBILE IR II, ALPHA II, and INVENIO S/R/X) have been transferred to the new validation program OVP-X for simple, comprehensive, and reliable instrument qualification.


New OPUS 8.8 features include:

  • 3D FocusFusion: Generates sharp microscopic images with extended depth-of-focus of uneven samples with IR and Raman microscopes. The sensitivity of Raman mappings is improved by automatic Raman focus adjustment following the sample’s surface topography.
Live microscopic image
Fused image generated by 3D FocusFusion


  • LUMOS II – Round shaped FPA tiles: Allows the definition of round FPA imaging measurement areas to save time and data volume while scanning, e.g., Anodisc filter membranes.


  • OPUS Python API: Offers an interface to run commands against the software OPUS to automate measurement procedures, see example below, and reading spectral or imaging data. With the embedded Python interpreter a user can select and run a Python script directly from within OPUS.


  • “Undo Stepwise”: Supports workflow efficiency as you can view each processing step and interactively select each evaluation and action and finally go back to a specific state.


Version 5.1 is the latest release of OPUS-TOUCH, the first true touch-operated software for infrared spectroscopy. OPUS-TOUCH provides highest accessibility for FT-IR beginners and full instrument control for experts, including monitoring of hardware and system status.

New TOUCH 5.1 features include:

  • Mobile-IR II Support: The recently released MOBILE-IR II is fully supported. A standby mode, temperature control of the ATR accessory, and customized home screens have been added.

    Dedicated help/tutorial videos can now be accessed directly from the Workflow GUI.
Screenshot of home screen when operating a Mobile-IR II.


  • Data Export: Measurement data of sample spectra can be automatically exported to various file formats after measurement. Available file formats are data point table,  JCamp, Galactic, Pirouette, XML, Matlab 4, Matlab 5, imzML
Screenshot of data export setting.

New dedicated Workflows

OPUS-TOUCH 5.1 provides new dedicated Workflows that make it even easier to work with dedicated accessories or special evaluation methods.

Newly added:

  • Emissivity Measurement Workflow: Allows to calculate emissivity from reflection measurements conducted with our accessories A562, A519 and A505
  • Oil-in-Water Workflow: Allows the quantification and reporting of oil and grease in waste and drinking water, oil in diesel exhaust fluid, oil in anhydrous ammonia, and oil in soil according to the Standard Test Method ASTM D7575 in a guided Workflow.
  • Multi-Measurement Workflow: Allows to automatically average a freely selectable number of spectra. Besides the average spectrum also a standard deviation spectrum is calculated.
Screenshot of Multi-Measurement Workflow settings.
  • Easy Measurement: A new graphical user interface intuitively guides the users through the setup of their experiment and the measurement.


Version 2.2.4 is the latest release of the BRAVO handheld Raman spectrometer software, supported by OPUS 8.8.4. Be guided straightforward through a reasoned workflow, including various analysis tools and reporting options, while simply touching icons on a large touch screen. BRAVO is designed for the operation in validated environments of the pharmaceutical industry and offers all required functionality to meet regulatory requirements out of the box.

New BRAVO handheld Raman features include:

  • BRAVO Web Access
    A secure https interface enables to access system information, licensing functionality, EAP-TLS certificate management and a BRAVO screen sharing functionality.
  • BRAVO Viewer
    The secure https web access enables screen sharing of the BRAVO GUI as well as full remote control of the BRAVO software via a web browser.
  • Device Diagnostics
    Updated device diagnostics functionality for fast and easy access to performance status information.
  • EAP-TLS WiFi Authentication
    Support of EAP-TLS protocol with custom certificates.
  • Service Mode
    New service mode functionality to enable flawless maintenance by Bruker service.
  • NTP time server connection
    A new option for controlling the system date & time is the stand-alone connection to a NTP time server.



Oprogramowanie ONET 3.1 to aplikacja serwerowa, do której dostęp uzyskuje się za pośrednictwem interfejsu internetowego opartego na przeglądarce (WebUI), umożliwiając konfigurowanie, administrowanie i kontrolę sieciową przyrządów FT-IR lub FT-IR z dowolnego miejsca na świecie. Wszystkie pozyskane dane, zmierzone na lokalnych spektrometrach są przechowywanie centralnie. Niemniej jednak wszystkie dane i wymagane pliki są nadal dostępne lokalnie, co pozwala na analizę próbek w dowolnym momencie, nawet gdy sieć jest chwilowo odłączona.

Nowe funkcje ONET 3.1:

  • Nowy, najnowocześniejszy internetowy interfejs użytkownika
  • Szybsza i wydajniejsza komunikacja z klientami ONET


  • Proste przypisywanie wartości referencyjnych poprzez import .csv.


CMET 3.1 to najnowsza wersja oprogramowania procesowego, które stanowi połączenie między analizatorami FT-NIR firmy Bruker a rozproszonym systemem sterowania (DSC) klientów. Komendy wydawane przez DCS są przekazywane do CMET, który rozpoczyna określony pomiar i przesyła dane z powrotem do DCS w celu wizualizacji i archiwizacji oraz monitorowania i optymalizacji procesu. CMET obsługuje różne standardowe protokoły komunikacyjne, takie jak Modbus, Profibus DP, 4-20 mA i OPC, zapewniając optymalną łączność.

Nowe funkcje CMET 3.1:

  • Online BIAS, kontrola receptur (uproszona obsługa procesów batch) i CMET jako serwis.
  • Obsługa sondy emisyjnej serii Q412 i dodatkowego trybu jednoźródłowego.
  • Trend Chart z nowym interfejsem, funkcjonalnością logowania i połączeniem z bazą danych.