Bruker and the ISMRM Community:
Fostering Inspiring Preclinical MRI Science

Bruker is proud to support the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Here you can find information on upcoming events and Bruker activities within the ISMRM community.

The work of the ISMRM and the collaborations that it inspires truly make a difference in the role that magnetic resonance plays in the medical world. Many of the scientific revolutions that are changing the way we see the world have their origin in preclinical research. Bruker is proud to play a pivotal role in this scientific community. By promoting great research to give it more visibility, by fostering partnerships to extend and expand your work, and by listening to your needs for instrumentation as well as developments in the field, we are there for you as your partner. Find all of the ISMRM preclinical highlights here.

Want to know more?
Our team is happy to assist and answer your questions.

Past ISMRM Events

ISMRM 2024 – Singapore

Bruker will be at ISMRM 2024 sharing all news that enables preclinical imaging through innovative advancements in technology.

ISMRM Workshops

See what is trending in MRI.

ISMRM Chapter Groups

Have a look beyond your local chapter and see the preclinical highlights from around the world.

On-Demand Scientific Talks