Elemental map (chromium, iron, zirconium) of a failed welding seam
Elemental map (chromium, iron, zirconium) of a failed welding seam
BRUKER NANO ANALYTICS PRESENTS: XFlash® 7 Detector Webinar Series Part I

Improving Efficiency with Advanced EDS Detectors

On-demand session - 41 minutes

ESPRIT LiveMap and the Fastest Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis Available

Join us for this webinar where we will present the benefits of the new XFlash® 7 detector family through various fields of applications. We will also introduce the workflow of ESPRIT LiveMap how to obtain real-time chemical imaging.

With the release of Bruker’s latest generation of EDS detectors, the XFlash® 7 family, analytical capabilities are exceeding past limitations.

In this webinar, we will present the key benefits of the new generation and explore applications such as high speed spectrum acquisition and signal processing.

In combination with the new ESPRIT LiveMap feature, the QUANTAX EDS system provides real-time chemical imaging to deliver the fastest, most reliable results, and the best quality data for your research.


If you want to learn more about how to enhance your EDS make sure to view the other webinars available in our XFlash® 7 series:

Fast mapping of a welding seam at very high count rate


Dr. Purvesh Soni

Application Scientist EDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

Dr. Igor Németh

Application Scientist EDS, Bruker Nano Analytics

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