Light-Sheet Microscopes


Superior multiview imaging for live and cleared samples


Bruker's Multi-View Selective-Plane Illumination Microscope (SPIM) is not only the fastest light-sheet system on the market, but also incorporates years of Luxendo imaging experience and innovation. Due to its modular concept, MuVi SPIM facilitates both live-sample (LS) and cleared-sample (CS) imaging by an acquisition unit exchange.


MuVi SPIM allows for high-speed volumetric acquisition of dynamic processes in live specimens, as well as cleared sample imaging with compatibility with any clearing method.

multiview imaging capabilities
Capture fast biological processes and high-quality volumetric data with minimal striping artifacts.
hardware and software integrations
Allow precise configuration and easy adjustment to meet current and future experimental requirements.
modular concept
Facilitates live and cleared sample imaging with easily interchangeable acquisition units (octagons).

Best-in-Class Multiview Imaging Capabilities

Convenient Multiview Imaging

MuVi SPIM features a unique 4-axis concept and is available in various configurations to enable:

  • Simultaneous illumination and detection from two opposing directions without rotation
  • Unparalleled acquisition speed
  • Free rotation axis for optimal sample positioning and 360° view
  • Long-term stability for imaging time series over days

Isotropic Resolution with 360° Illumination and Detection

The MuVi SPIM is equipped with a motorized sample holder which enables sample rotation by 360°. Although sample rotation is not required to achieve in-toto imaging, a single 90° rotation of the sample can provide isotropic resolution and improve image quality. This is at least four times faster compared to conventional SPIM.


Zebrafish expressing H2A::GFP acquired simultaneously from two opposing directions (left, right). Data fusion of the two views yields a highquality in-toto image of the sample (middle).

Next-Generation Technology

Built on Bruker's history of innovation, our next-generation MuVi SPIM incorporates several new features to enhance image quality, shorten acquisition speed, and allow high-resolution and artifact-free imaging of a broader range of samples.

New Advanced Features

Larger Field-of-View (FOV) and Superior Axial Resolution

When imaging, obstacles like pigments or cell nuclei can interfere with light, leading to images with shadows and striping artifacts. The next-generation SPIM employs dual de-striping via pivot scanning which generates a homogenous illumination profile without compromising acquisition speed.

Improved Signal-to-Noise

When imaging thicker samples or opaque specimens, light scattering can lead to reduced contrast and image blur. MuVi SPIM has implemented an elegant approach to enhance image contrast by offering:

  • Scanned light-sheet
  • Adjustable light-sheet thickness
  • Robust aberration tolerance (even in complex samples)
  • Line illumination for improved background suppression

Dual-Destriping: Impressive Elimination of Striping Artifacts

When imaging, obstacles like pigments or cell nuclei can interfere with light, leading to images with shadows and striping artifacts. The next-generation SPIM employs dual de-striping via pivot scanning which generates a homogenous illumination profile without compromising acquisition speed.

Left: Image collected without the destriping module showing striping artifacts. Center: Image collected with the destriping module showing successful removal of striping artifacts. Right: Merged image of both the left and right image.

TAG-Lens: Light-Sheet Length Control with Fast Axial Scanning

Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies, ultra-fast varifocal lenses can be used to fine-tune the system’s optics. Luxendo SPIMs use devices that are driven by an acoustic wave, called tunable acoustic gradient lenses (or TAG lenses), for adaptive optics. These TAG lenses allow better light-sheet control and uniformity while reducing axial stretching.

Flexible Live and Cleared Sample Imaging Options

Unique Multimodal Concept

MuVi SPIM's modular multimodal concept allows researchers to choose the ideal configuration and capabilities for their specific experimental needs. Most notably, it facilitates imaging of either live or cleared samples. This is achieved by switching the octagon, which is the acquisition unit or optical core unit that holds all the objective lenses. In addition to the octagon, other modules (ex: for photomanipulation) can be easily added or exchanged. This flexibility provides unique advantages for innovative research and in multi-user environments.

Transition between live sample and cleared sample system configurations in just minutes.

The sample chamber and all objective lenses are mounted on the octagon, the optical core unit that holds all the objective lenses.

Different octagons can support different magnifications and objective NAs and are compatible with objectives optimized for either live or cleared sample imaging.

The octagon can be easily removed and replaced while maintaining its optical alignment.

Octagon Exchange from Cleared Sample to Live Sample Imaging: The video shows the fast and easy transition from Cleared Sample (CS) to Live Sample (LS) imaging with the light-sheet microscope MuVi SPIM from Luxendo.
Octagon Exchange from Live Sample to Cleared Sample Imaging: The video shows the fast and easy transition from Live sample (LS) to Cleared Sample imaging with the light-sheet microscope MuVi SPIM from Luxendo.

Pure Live Imaging

Native and Natural Environment

Equipped with a full environmental control module, MuVi SPIM supports imaging of various live specimens over hours and days without altering their biology. By enabling precise control over temperature (20-37 °C), gas concentration (CO2, O2, N2), and humidity, MuVi SPIM delivers unique advantages for research in the fields of:

  • Developmental biology
  • Marine biology
  • Neurobiology and neurodevelopment
  • Oncology

Unparalleled Imaging Speed for in-toto Imaging

Taking full advantage of light-sheet technology, imaging speed is significantly greater than with confocal microscopy. With excellent speed and low phototoxicity, samples are imaged gently and in-depth. This is particularly useful for fast biological dynamics, such as calcium imaging or blood flow.

Advantageous Photomanipulation

The ability to spatiotemporally control, manipulate, and alter biological processes is key to revealing relevant mechanisms at play. A photomanipulation (PM) module can be added to MuVi SPIM, allowing for experiments such as photoablation, cauterization, optogenetics, and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) with:

  • Beam coupled into detection objective
  • Diffraction-limited illumination spot
  • Flexible region-of-interest (ROI) generation (point, straight line, circle, freeform, and square)
  • Continuous wave ultraviolet/visible (CW UV/VIS) to pulsed infrared (IR)


Cell tracking in drosophila embryo development created with arivis Vision4D 3D visualization and analysis software. Imaged on the MuVi SPIM (Courtesy of: Celia Smits and Stanislav Y. Shvartsman, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University)
Zebrafish imaged on the MuVi SPIM. Stitched from 5 stacks in Imaris, each 340 slices, 16 hour/10min. Fish growth can be observed (Courtesy of: Prof. Jingxia Liu Huazhong Agricultural University, China)

Comprehensive Cleared-Sample Imaging

Advanced Cleared-Sample Applications

Used in combination with optical clearing techniques, MuVi SPIM enables comprehensive and non-destructive visualization of very large, in-toto cleared specimens within minutes. This is particularly useful for studying:

  • 3D microstructure analysis of tissues
  • Brain and central nervous system tissues
  • Organ development
  • Tumorigenesis

High Flexibility of Sample Size and Clearing Method

MuVi SPIM can image a broad range of cleared samples with different sizes, ranging from 3D organoids to large tissue samples and up to the size of a cleared mouse brain. This is accomplished by:

  • Innovative optical design compatible with any kind of clearing solution
  • Different configurations of detection lenses to match the properties of your samples
  • 15 x 15 x 20mm scannable sample volume

Innovative and Easy Sample Handling

MuVi SPIM provides an innovative solution for sample mounting, minimizing users' exposure to clearing reagents. This is accomplished by:

  • Overhead 3D translation/rotation unit for sample mounting
  • Support of various mounting methods (e.g. hook, plate, pin, cuvette, etc.)
  • Fast objective exchange for easy transition between live-sample (LS) and cleared-sample (CS) imaging
  • Easy maintenance and cleaning of objectives and chamber

Full Environmental Control

An important goal in microscopy is sample health and integrity. To support this, MuVi SPIM is equipped with environmental control that supports long-term imaging (hours to days). In addition to a generous sample chamber for immersion medium, this includes control over:

  • Temperature 20–37°C
  • Gas concentration (CO2, O2, N2)
  • Humidity


Visualization of complete neuronal network of whole cleared brain imaged on Luxendo MuVi SPIM CS. Neurons of a transgenic mouse expressed fluorescent protein YFP and the brain was cleared with Clarity (Courtesy: Dr. Zhang Dan, Tsinghuan University, China)
Antibody labeled supporting cells of guineapig cochlea cleared with Cubic and acquired on MuVi SPIM equipped with the Cleared Sample acquisition unit. Visualization of the cochlea enables investigation of mechanisms leading to hearing loss (Courtesy: Prof. Löwenheim, Uniklinikum Tübingen)

Configuration Options


Detection Objective Effective Magnification Pixel size (nm) Field of View (µm)*
20x 1.0 NA 11.1x 585 1198
  22.2x 293 599
  33.3x 195 399
  44.4x 146 299
16x 0.8 NA 8x 812 1664
  16x 406 832
  24x 271 554
  32x 203 416


Detection Objective Effective Magnification Pixel size (nm) Field of View (µm)*
20x 1.0 NA 10x 650 1331
  20x 325 665
  30x 217 444
  40x 163 333
10x 0.5 NA 5x 1300 2662
  10x 650 1331
  15x 433 887
  20x 325 666
4x 0.28 NA 2.2x 2925 5990
  4.4x 1463 2995
  6.7x 975 1997
  8.9x 731 1497

All-in-One LuxBundle Software

Intuitive design

Bruker's LuxBundle software saves time and enhances productivity by providing:

  • All-in-one, easy-to-use interface for acquisition, viewing, and post-processing
  • Fully scriptable microscope control and post-processing via open interface (e.g., Python or any other language) ready for custom "smart" microscopy
  • High reproducibility of experiments: all parameters are saved in the metadata and configurations can be saved for future experiments
  • Data formats (.tiff, .hdf5, .ims) compatible with common image processing software: Imaris, Aivia, BigDataViewer, Arivis, Fiji, Python, Matlab, Napari

Impressive Image Post Processor

MuVi SPIM records a sample from different angles/views and generates images composed of multiple tiles. The LuxBundle software ensures high-quality, 360° crisp images of the sample that compensate for absorption and scattering. Features include:

  • Multi-color alignment
  • Tile stitching of hundreds of tiles for large samples
  • Multi-view image fusion and deconvolution

3D Data Viewer

LuxBundle's integrated 3D data viewer allows researchers to inspect the entire dataset directly after acquisition. This gives users control over their data with key capabilities, including:

  • The ability to turn tile stitching on or off
  • Both raw and post-processed images
  • Fast viewing of multi-terabyte data sets
  • Flexible options to draw and annotate regions and landmarks
Cleared mouse embryo labeled with methylene blue (cyan) and showing autofluorescence (magenta). Image composed of 12 tiles and 920 planes, all processed and stitched with LuxBundle (Image courtesy of Montserrat Coll Lladó, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Barcelona, Spain)

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